Mummies Curse

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 On my way home from school I decided to finally ride the bus home, because it rained for 3 hours or so during school. I was in a bad mood because I couldn't do anything fun in P.E. 7pd. As I got closer and closer to my stop I rember that my friend Zach was on the bus too. I honestly was ignoring his bragging about some tomb his dad found 3 weeks ago, but he was still my friend. So I listened to him brag about his dad for a while then listened to him when he talked about a tomb that was made for a pharaoh named "Farbettle". I laughed when he said that, because it was a weird name. A couple minutes later I got interested when he mentioned all the riches the family had. I thought for a while about being rich then finally remembered I was going over to his house with one of his mystery friends. As I got of at his stop, I went straight home to drop off my belongs and went over to Zach's house. He came out with toy hats and 2 shovels that his dad bought him. We finally decided after that to dig a hole in the backyard. We dug 2 feet hole down and 2 feet wide. We got tired after a while and got some lemonade. As I got the ladder from Zach's garage, he kept on digging deeper into the ground. After I placed the ladder I got in the hole with him and dug some more. We dug till dusk then as I hit something hard we stopped. I had it a weird seal with ancient pictures on it. Zach freaked out and tried to break the seal as I tried to climb out of the hole. When I saw a handle on the way up out of the hole I grabbed it and accidently slipped. The handle activated a couple switches which then opened the seal. Me and Zach fell in a large cavern, or at least it looked like a cavern. Lucky for us the ladder was down here with us and it reached the top of the hole. I told Zach that we could still live but he was jaw struck by something. I turned to face where he was looking and saw it. To my surprise I saw riches beyond my imagination. There was gold, diamonds, rubies, doubloons, and even emeralds. I looked at Zach he looked at me and we thought the exact same thing as me. We both said the words, "Get the bags". We ran back and forth collet bags of gold, diamonds, emeralds, etc. We decided to split everything 49-51 because it was on his property. I was ok with it because there was tons of jewels to go around. On our second day gathering the jewels, on are four-hundred ninety-sixth time going down. Zach mystery friend finally showed up. Just to be nice since we cleared all but one pile of jewels, Zach let Bill(THE SCHOOL BULLY) have anything else in the tomb. The first thing the idiot did was throw a chest down the hole. That's when I decided to take my share home. When I finally took it all home. I came back and wait for Bill to get out along with Zach. Zach came out with a chest filled with Bill's jewels. As Bill headed out of the hole, a giant diamond caught his eye. The diamond was on a stand with a sarcophagus behind it. The walls all around the tomb had a  sarcophagus leaning against the wall. Zach and I knew it had to be a trap, but the greedy guy still took it. As soon as he took it the sarcophagus opened and 12 mummies attacked him and 2 took the diamond from him. The seal started to close. Last I saw him the mummies shoved him into another empty sarcophagus, then the seal closed and would not open. Zach and I walked off and pretended like nothing happened. On my way home I thought to myself," Well, I never liked him anyway".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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