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Charlotte and Olivia were in the villages town doing their duties as always on the Royal command from the palace.

Olivia : Charlotte!! I really hate doing this

Charlotte : your not the only one besides how are we going to earn money to help your parents who are suffering

Olivia : I know but its nice that your living with us

Charlotte : why wouldn't I, after all my parents betrayed the royal family and it led them to be hanged. What would else would I do besides have you by my side other than committing suicide due to my grief for my parents.

Olivia : I know but its also sad that it was all your family members and relatives that were hanged and leaving you as the only member of your family

Charlotte : yah, but I have to pay for my families mistakes and they are so many. Now I wish I wasn't born or I could run away from this village and start a new life

Olivia : I had the same idea. Did you hear the rumors?

Charlotte : what rumors

Olivia : that the 5th prince will be returning to the castle

Charlotte : I thought he left 4 years ago?

Olivia : well his coming back and I heard he wears really dark glasses to cover  his right eye

Charlotte : why?

Olivia : I don't really know but people say that whoever sees him without the mask will regret ever living

Charlotte : that's a little harsh 

Olivia : well our life is meant to be spared and not end ended

Charlotte : that's so true honestly

Olivia : I wanted to ask a question

Charlotte : that is

Olivia : before your parents death or let me say before the betrayal when your parents were still working for them, did you by any chance meet  the king and Queen's sons

Charlotte : no actually

Olivia : why not

Charlotte ; because the king and queen would think that your changing their personalities and image, so children of the court lady and instructors were banned from meeting their sons but they could meet the king and Queen alone

Olivia : oh wow

Charlotte : you were expecting more weren't you

Olivia : yah, anyway we need to go

Charlotte : yah your right

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