chapter five

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disclaimer: guess

holy cow i am sorry. this chapter was brought to you by self-hate, and excessive amounts of abba, and i am also VERY sorry that it took so long for me to update but i re-wrote this about 15 times so you better enjoy it.

lets go


"Are you sure that you saw another one?" the man asked, his face long and wrinkly. Another man beside him nodded shakily. "Yes, I'm sure," he whispered under his breath, "I-I mean, I think it was, yes."

Rawuzel, as that was the trebling man's name, then turned his face slowly towards the taller man beside him and then looked down again quickly, like he was expecting him to do something that Rawuzel had to see. The man however, stood still and looked out in front of him as he usually did when there was an absence of excitement. His milky white eyes didn't portray any emotion apart from the glistening tears that fell from them slowly.

This happened often and wasn't unusual. It may have been almost gossip in the dining room, when the man had left the table, and people would often whisper harsh comment behind his back, yet Rawuzel had been there long enough to know not to do something as simple-minded as that. The first execution was the turning point in the words that drifted around the institution.

It had turned out that, much earlier along in the operation, the man had started listening in to the conversations that had been said. No one had realised and lots were going to die. The first death had been the quickest.

After that day, the arena had almost been in constant use; two different ways to die and hundreds of graves being made. You could have it slow, that was if you had spread the most rumours and lies, you could have it quick, if the man almost liked you. Each way was brutal and horrifying and difficult to watch.

Still, even after this horrible turn of events, people still wondered about the constant sadness that this man seemed to be going through, and decided to ask him.

He explained to people that it was the peculiar inside of him crying out and sobbing because of everything that he had done, all the horrors that he had made happen. "Nothing to worry about though," he would say calmly, in the midst of violent sobbing. "I'm perfectly alright," he would then say after catching his breath.

Many were suspicious of this behaviour, yet let it pass. It was dangerous to oppose the man of clearly higher status. Especially after all that had happened.

Rawuzel didn't let this phase him though as he had been told, and instead carried on with explaining the information that he had had discovered. "I saw this girl, she was all alone I-I think," he said, "she seemed to be talking to herself, but that isn't really weird compared to the enormous wings on her back." He stumbled over his words, tripping up and almost falling over the short sentences that left him terrified. Finishing what he had to say with a jerk of his head and a pray that the information would suffice; flustered and scared of what the man would say once he was done.

"Good," the man replied, obvious surprising Rawuzel. "I expect you to find her and bring her to me. We can add her to the collection." He then turned around and nodded at the Rawuzel, as if he were acknowledging the good work that he had done. That was the first time that Rawuzel had properly seen his face.

His eyes were as white as his ghostly pale face. But Rawuzel already knew this. The rest of his face surprised him. There was a large scar running down the side of his forehead and stopping just above the cheek, like someone had cut the side of his face open and then hastily sewn it back together again. It was shockingly pink and contrasted in a sickening manner with the rest of his face. His nose was abnormally arched, and his expression looked as if he were sniffing something unpleasant. What few strands of hair that he had left were combed upwards and held in place stiffly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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