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Elaine's P.O.V.

 I sighed. The steady drizzle dripped down my back. I flipped my dripping wet, white, black tipped hair out of my face. Rain slipped down my face, causing a small trickle of blood, dulled by rainwater, to slip out from behind my silver silk eye patch.

It was freezing and dreary.  And here I am, no jacket, outside, while it's raining, AND the doors were locked.

I'm probably gonna die of hypothermia. Shit.

I glanced over to my right, twenty feet or so away. There, on a tagged scratched bench that he usually sat at, was a boy in my class named Jack  Lynch-Farren. He had  a caramel, almost espresso coloured hair, warm and soft, in a gentle, perfect disarray around his smooth angular face. His perfect forest-green eyes were directed downwards toward a thick book called Inheritance.  I almost wished that, even for a second, those sparkling, crystalline, forest green eyes would drift toward me.

No, I thought to myself. If he were mine he would be killed. You're too dangerous.

I sighed. I almost ached for him, but that nagging voice in the back of my head contradicted me yet again.

I lowered my head, the lonely, solitary outcast once more.

I wish he were mine.

 I glanced over to the library window, 50 feet away. To my relief, the lights came on. I got up from my bench and started toward it, knowing it would be warm, dry, and full of books.

What I didn't know, however, was that there was forest green eyes focused on my back as I walked away.

Jack's P.O.V.

My eyes scanned the page in Inheritance by Christopher Paolini.

" It's impossible to go through life unscathed. Nor should you want to. By the hurts we accumulate, we measure both our follies, and our accomplishments."

I dared sneak another look at Elaine's back. She was.....beautiful. Is beautiful, I mean. She has this snow white hair, with black tips that shone in the sun. And her eyes. Silver. Who even has silver eyes? Amazing though. They seem to go through you, sifting through your soul, weighing your deeds and sins....

For a millionth of a second, that eye met with mine, and a shudder went through me. Swiftly, my eyes went back to the page, and I pretended to read as I felt Elaine leave. 

"Babe!" trilled a high pitched voice. 

I sighed. Her. "Her" being Malissa, this cheerleader I slept with, I don't even know why I did.  Ever since then, she thought we were a couple, which I guess we are, in a way.  

Malissa threw her arm over my shoulders and gave me a squeeze.

"Jackie! I missed you SO much!! I can't even count  how many hours it's been!" she screeched. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, scraping the inside of my ears, making them feel raw. But it was just her voice, I mean, who cares? 

I forced my face into a smile.

"Babe! I, uh, missed you too!!" I said. "Yeah, I think it's been a really long time! What, 16 hours?" 

Best 16 hours of my life, Malissa.

The school  bell sounded, signaling my escape. I took it, sprinting toward my class. 

"Have to go, babe, sorry!" I yelled over my shoulder. I stopped at the doorway of my first class, panting. I have never been so glad to see Advanced Algebra in my life. 

I strode in. At least she was in this class with me, and Malissa wasn't. 

I wish she was mine.

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