text #3

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(FinnFinnyBoy made a group chat)
(Added ChocolateDaddy😎, TheBoyWithTheCurls, and NoahSmart)

FinnFinnyBoy: hey guys what's up with Millie?

ChocolateDaddy😎: I dont know she usually sits by Finn but now she was sitting by herself.

NoahSmart: yeah she is a little of today.

TheBoyWithTheCurls: maybe she doesn't like us no more?

FinnFinnyBoy: Nonsense!

ChocolateDaddy😎: she likes us! But she also likes finn😏😏😏

FinnFinnyBoy: no she doesn't!

NoahSmart: she toes likes youuu!

TheBoyWithTheCurls: finna and Millie be like 😍😘😍😘 millie: KISS ME!

NoahSmart: 😂😂

ChocolateDaddy😎: 😂😂😂😂 lol

FinnFinnyBoy left the chat

NoahSmart: looks like someone is on the edge of Earth😂

TheBoyWithTheCurls: toes

ChocolateDaddy😎:gtg bye guys

NoahSmart: bye

TheBoyWithTheCurls: bye

ChocolateDaddy😎 left the chat

NoahSmart: I have to go to bed gaten

TheBoyWithTheCurls:  me too bye

NoahSmart left the chat

TheBoyWithTheCurls left the chat

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