Sorry For the Delay | IMPORTANT UPDATE!!

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Ok, so we scheduled to have results up on October 27 or so, I believe. But a lot of stuff came up, and we didn't have any time. We give you all our deepest, most sincerest apologies, but aside from that, you want answers!

When will the results actually be published?
We want to get them out by November 25. I think that's something that we can do. About 10 days.

When do the judges send everything in?
SEND THE SCORES IN ASAP!! We don't need any more delays!! (Judging criteria on next chapter!)

Will there be any more delays?
You see, delays aren't exactly scheduled. But hopefully there won't be. We're going to stick to our schedule as best as we can!

When will the next awards for The Archer Awards be released?
Good question. Either Summer or Autumn 2018. Hopefully we'll have a bigger and more prepared team by then! (Don't ask to be on the team, we're inviting trusted people when we're ready to plan the next one!)

Did actual people ask all the questions above, or did you make them all up?
The latter of them. I made them up because I thought some of you would be wondering. If you have more questions, put them in the comments and we'll answer them as best as we can.

ALSO: WE NEED STICKERS!! Someone generously made us stickers already, but we had technical difficulties behind the scenes. So if you're good at photo editing and/or digital art and are interested, email the sticker(s) to us by email:

Thank you for your patience everyone!! We'll get back to you all as soon as possible!

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