⇢The Mission

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Underground Base

Agent Kook,bring your Team here to my office ASAP❞ Said the speakers.The four quickly stod up and run to their Boss,Jerry's office.The four worked for WHOOP which stands for World Human Organization Of Human Protection.The four were the top 4 of the Super Spies that worked For Jerry.

"Let's see what Jerry wants" Agent Suga said.

Jerry's Office

"You need us?" Agent Kook asked as the spies enter the office.

"Yes,now sit down and listen carefully" Jerry said as the Spies nod and did what they was told as the big screen behind Jerry's desk turn into a Video footage of a Man wearing all black with a black mask and a gun with a couple of guys wearing the same behind him.

"I found this at the CCTV footage last night and over heard them talking,listen" Jerry explained as the spies were looking at the screen.

"The Four Kingdoms are very rich yet very powerful,I want their heirs to be dead,without the heir's the kings and queens will have no choice but to hand over their kingdoms for good" The leader coldly explained to his gang.

"But shouldn't we just kill the Heir of Crystexine,that kingdom is very very rich and very powerful,not to mention the Princess was gifted with unknown things" One of his gang member said.

"You are correct but I want the other three as well the kingdoms Esilia,Ipregia,and Starine.With four of this combined,they will be Very Powerful" The Leader said.

"When will we start our Mission?" Asked another member.

"Very,Very soon" The leader said.

Jerry turn off the footage and look at the Spies.

"Your Mission is to Protect the Four Princesses" Jerry finally said which Agent Kook stod up.

"What! Royalty Again,what if the princesses are Snobby?!" Agent Kook exclaimed and Jerry only sigh.

"This four princesses are not snobby,in fact they are the opposite" Jerry said with now a serious tone.

"*sigh*fine..we'll it" Agent Kook said in defeat.

"Great,then I'll give your gadgets for your mission" Jerry smirked.

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