When your wrists are bound, its a deadly sin to give a man that crown.

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Edit: I wrote this before I was really into BTS and had learnt a lot about them. It's in accurate to their personalities and something that would never happen, but it's still a pretty decent smut I co-wrote with my friend.

One of the things Kim Taehyung had learned to treasure was night time Overwatch tournaments with his best friend. It was something that they didn't get to do as often now. They were always at dance practice or in the recording studio or doing interviews and photo shoots and variety shows... They were always so busy, they couldn't do much more than come home and sleep.
Tonight was one of those rare times when they hadn't had much during the day and got the night off. So he found himself in Jungkook's room, eyes glued to the screen, getting just as worked up at the events as his friend beside him. He had stopped playing himself after a few rounds, finding it just as eventful and fun to watch the maknae play, seeing as he was better than him. The only thing that really mattered to him was spending time with Jungkook. Just hanging out, playing video games, stealing snacks from the kitchen to occassionally bring back to the room, and shouting at the top of their lungs despite their hyungs expressing annoyance at it.
Something had been bothering him though. Recently it had come up that he was the only virgin in BTS. He had no fucking clue how they got on the topic but it wasn't unusual for them to end up discussing the most random ass things on the planet. Everyone else in the group had had sex. And had awesome experiences, even discussed some of the fun things they had done. Even sweet, shy /Jimin/ had had sex. He had just nodded along, pretending to understand. But he couldn't stop thinking about it. He had been waiting to have sex for the right person, but was he just being an idiot? Was he really missing out? And what if he didn't get to wait? So many people now were having stories where they lost their virginity drunk or on drugs, or had it taken from him. What if he lost it to some random person and didn't even remember? Did it matter? Was it even that big of a deal?
So he had finally come to a descision the night before. He was going to lose it to someone who he could guarantee would always care about him in a way he chose. Which lead to him sitting beside Jungkook on a chair he stole from the kitchen, eyes glued to the screen, and blurting out, "How would you feel about taking my virginity?"
It was also at that moment though that one of Jungkook's teammates got sniped and caused Taehyung to nearly jump out of his seat, yelling at the screen as if he hadn't said a word until then.

Jungkook's eyes were glued to the screen like they belonged there and had nowhere else to look; and it remained that way for hours upon end. He was even forgetting to blink, which had caused a few salty tears to slide down his cheeks - thanks to the lack of moisture inside his eye sockets.
As usual, he was doing pretty well at the game - winning all the time and succeeding at whatever he did - not removing his hands from the controller at all.
He had a bottle of water pressed to his lips when Taehyung spoke, which was actually the reason his teammate got sniped - because the maknae was distracted by the water and then distracted again by Taehyung's words - making him do a spit take with the water as it came flying out of his mouth.
"You want me to take your virginity?!"

"Huh?" Taehyung mumbled as he glanced at Jungkook, momentarily forgetting he had spoken. It took him a second before his cheeks went bright red. Not the reaction he was hoping for.
"Oh. Yeah. I don't know. You guys made it sound like it's not a big deal and have so many awesome stories. Figured I'd try it out myself. And you know... You're my best friend so I trust you the most," he shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing. In reality, he was incredibly nervous and this seemed like it was going to go south.
"It was a dumb idea. Don't worry about it~" he said, giving his friend a big boxy grin to hide his own embarrassment. He had a lot of random, dumb ideas. It was pretty normal.

"Yeah, I'll do it." Jungkook reloaded the game, continuing on from where he left off - this time with all of his teammates. If Taehyung was going to be casual about it, then he was going to do the same.
He wiped his wet mouth using the back of his hand; returning it to the game controller after.
"If you're sure, then I'll do it."

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