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You walked past many compartments until you could find a empty on for you, Ava and Nina. You weren't surprised that Pansy didn't sit with you, she was indubitably with Malfoy's gang and after she found out it was you and the Weasleys who played the trick on her,  it wasn't surprising she wasn't joining you all.

It had been snowing since this midnight; the fields we covered in a white blanket and the castle faded out of sight as the train travelled further away. You sat there reading a book, until you heard someone knocking on the glass door. There stood Pansy linking arms with Draco. What a snobby pair they are you thought. You rolled your eyes.

"What do they want?" Nina said, ginger hair falling in her face.

"Doesn't Draco look good today" Ava was fantasising over that wretch. Pansy's hair was back to normal and her face was clean- no sight of facial hair. She slid open the door.

"I see you shaved this morning, shame i was looking forward to a clown show"

"Shut it l/n, you play so innocent"

"Me? What could someone like me do to a superior like you Pansy? Oh no. I wouldn't dare upset Miss perfect." You just couldn't help being sarcastic. Her face screwed up like a pugs- which was super angry. Draco just stood there with his lip turned up at you.

You got up slid back the door fast in their face, then sat back down both your friends staring at you.

"You just can't help yourself can you" Nina laughed.

Time skip-

You walked out of Zonkos joke shop alone, you could say your two freinds were not amused by pranks- unlike you. You had brought loads of sweets, and were now walking to the Three Broomsticks. Buttoning up your black coat, Slytherin scarf wrapped round your neck.

It was peacful the only sound were your boots crushing the snow that lay on the ground. You heard approaching steps and looked around only to see Blaise. You liked Blaise even apart from his views on muggles,  and hoped he still likes you after that prank.

"Hi, are you heading to the Three Broomsticks?" He asked.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yes", you walked in silence for a while, just enjoying each-others company.

"So i was thinking, we have a charms test coming up which we have to be in a pairs for, and you are a smart girl. Plus we work well together on the pitch, so i think we should pair up."

"Sure. I'd like that." You smiled to him, nodding your head.

You carried on talking until you reached the pub.  Blaise held the door open and you thanked him kindly then walked in, the buzz of students filled your ears.

You and blaise spotted all your mates sitting together. Sadly it wasn't just Ava and Nina but the other foul four.

"Damn, they know we've seen them. Which means we can't make a run for it and go some place else." Blaise chuffed at your comment.

"You really do dislike them, just come anyway, you can get a butterbeer!"

Agreeing you strode down through, round and between the tables to the corner where they sat.

"Oh here come the couple." You heard Draco scowl, Blaise gestured for you to slide in the booth.

"Ladies first." He said cooly

"l/n a Lady, ha!"

"Hello Pansy, how pleasant to see you again" you rolled your eyes"

Time skip-

Once you had all finished your drinks you left and started to walk back to the train station. You stopped at the group of orchestra singers, dressed in black with lanterns and hats. Their voices all blended together perfectly, you stood and watched contently.

You could hear Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle laughing, and knew they were up to something. Turning around you saw two snowballs heading towards the group of singers, you blocked it with a spell then gave them all a nasty stare and turned back around.

After they finished their song you clapped wholeheartedly, put some money in their pot, smiled and walked of the others who were happy to be moving again.

Blaise strode up next to you ahead of the others.

"You like that sort of music then?" He questioned with interest.

"I wouldn't say its my favourite, but it's nice to listen from time to time. And just seeing them in a group performing when its snowing, makes me think of christmas." You trailed of as the others caught up.

You turned around , and said making sure they could hear you through the wind,
"though to the end i wasn't able to concentrate as three rude idiots thought it would be funny to throw a snowball at them, i however didn't find that amusing"

Your friends Nina and Ava agreed whilst Pansy didn't comment obvioulsy not capable.

"Good timing by the way y/n." Ava said whilst shivering, pulling her gloves on.

"There not chasers for sure, if they were their shots might've been successful" Nina frowned sarcastically. She nodded at the three girls, giving you all a signal. On that you all picked up snow and threw a snowball at them.

"Perfect shots ladies!" Ava complimented you all.

"I'll give you half of my chocolate bar, if you hit Malfoy on the face." He smirked, Blaise just loved seeimg overs getting annoyed, especially Draco. All the girls nodded apart form Pansy, no surprise there.

"I don't even need the chocolate for that, just the pricelesss look on his face will be enough" you laughed. You picked up some snow, moulded it into the ball and threw it straight to his face. What a fine hit! He scowled angrily.

"But I'll take the chocolate still" you told Blaise.

"Don't just stand there you useless prats, get them" He cried, all three of them started to fire snowballs. Pansy was about to swap sides to team up with Draco.

"Pansy!" You shouted.

"What happened to sisters before misters? You bitch" Ava stopped, looking at her insulted- her dark hair wet and curly. You all carried on till Blaise who was on your team told you the train leaves in 10 MINUTES!
"We can't miss the train, we need to run" Ava gasped. You all froze then just ran heading towards the station.

You however paused at one point stopping to take the chance to hit another snowball at Goyle, who slowed up nearly tripping at the suprise hit. You carried on running and caught up with the group, laughing at the situation.
As you all turned the corner to the platform you heard the doors shutting but saw the train still there. Oh thank god, you thought with relief. But the whistle was blown and flag waved

"štopppppp!" All of you were shouting

The train started to slowly move you saw Blaise sprint ahead and open a door at the side , jumping in, followed by the others

"HURRY!" You screamed though smiling at Draco  who was falling behind; weirdly enough Crabbe was already on the train, you would've thought he might've been behind. You grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him faster,  then jumped through the door pulling him with you landing on the train floor.

After a minute of catching your breath, you all sat up.

"I think that was the most fun I've had with you guys... like ever!" You laughed with a huge smile written on your slightly red face. They all just sighed, sitting their backs onto the floor exhausted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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