A Delightful Meeting

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Hello fellow Kids Next door operatives! This is Numbuh 820 bringing you a new story about the world of KND. I have included my oc in the story and it will be about her training to become an operative all the while getting close to the enemy at the same time. This is my first time writing a story for the Kids Next Door so I hope it turns out well. Now without further adieu I present to you the first chapter of K.A.I.T.L.Y.N!








~Begin Transmission~

Seeing her own breath emit from her lips in a small white fog a young girl who looked to be ten adjusted her black tie around her neck. It was late in the fall and winter was just around the corner. The sun had begun to set, but was still halfway in the sky causing the world around her to glow a mix of orange and yellow. She was walking home from the library, having been there all afternoon. Reading was a favorite pastime of hers. She just loved opening up a new book and getting lost in its pages.

As the young girl walked along the sidewalk with a book in her hand a gentle breeze had blown her light blonde pigtails behind her. She shivered, noticing it was getting colder. She would be home soon enough though and could warm up with a nice hot meal. Though that plan would would have to wait a bit. After she had left the library she had only made it about a block before a hand reached out and pulled her into a dark alley, startling her. Even though it was dark she could still make out the man before her. He wore a dark blue suit, purple gloves and boots, and large braces. Reaching into his pockets the girl thought he was going to pull out a knife or some other type of weapon, but was confused when she saw a red toothbrush in his hand. She tried to push him away as he tried to bring the toothbrush to her mouth.

"Quit it!" She cried, getting annoyed with the man, who for some reason wanted to brush her teeth in the middle of a dark alley.

"At it again, huh Knightbrace?" a British voice spoke.

Both the girl and the man apparently named Knightbrace turned their heads to see a boy who was bald, wore glasses, and sported a red turtleneck sweater. He stood proudly with his arms crossed. Suddenly a frown formed on his face and he began giving out orders.

"Numbuh 3 get the girl out of there!"

"Okkie dokkie!"

Next thing she knew a girl with long raven hair in a oversized green sweater swung down with a rope tied to a light pole and grabbed her before swinging back up onto the pole. The blonde quickly wrapped her arms around the girl to make sure she wouldn't fall making the raven giggle.

"Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 5 now!"

Watching from above the girl saw a blonde boy in a orange hoodie and a dark skinned girl with a dark brown braid wearing a dark blue shirt surrounding Knightbrace. They shot some weird looking guns at him and instead of bullets it looked to be taffy. You would think that the man would be upset, but he seemed quite ecstatic to have the sticky treat. Guess even oral hygiene villains had a sweet tooth.

"Numbuh 2 get us out of here!"

Feeling the wind pick up greatly the girl looked up in surprise to see a ship hovering above them with a rope ladder hanging down from it.

"Come on!" the raven replied excitedly urging the blonde to follow her.

After a brief moment of hesitation she decided to just board the ship. She knew these were kids from the Kids Next Door and knew she could trust them.

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