Delightfully Stubborn

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Hey! Numbuh 820 here bringing you the next chapter of K.A.I.T.L.Y.N! Hope you like it and please tell me what you think.

~Continue Transmission~

"Good day cadet! Are you ready to get started?"

"Yes sir, Numbuh 60, sir!"

"Than let's get started!"

Just like Numbuh 1 said Kaitlyn was able to start training right after school. Sector V had dropped her off at the Arctic Base and she was so excited! Picking up a M.U.S.K.E.T she aimed at a cardboard cutout of Mr. Boss and smirked slightly when she hit it. She continued to hit other cutouts of villains with Numbuh 60 watching her every move. She thought he seemed pretty cool. She could admire his dedication to the Kids Next Door anyway.

The simulation exercise lasted for about forty five minutes. Kaitlyn had hit the final target just as Numbuh 60 announced that time was up. He smiled and nodded his head in approval to signal that everything had gone well on her first day.

"Great job cadet! Keep it up and you'll be a new operative in no time."

"Thanks Patton" Kaitlyn smiled, calling him by his real name.

He dismissed her for the day just as Sector V came to pick her up. She got on the ship and they made their way home.

"Hey Numbuh 1?" Kaitlyn questioned. "Would it be okay if I came over and checked out your treehouse? I would love to admire it up close."

"I don't see why not" he answered.

"Oh yay!" Numbuh 3 cheered. "I can show her all of my rainbow monkeys!"

"You could if you plan on torturing her" Numbuh 4 groaned.

"Meanie head" Numbuh 3 frowned.

Kaitlyn had heard about rainbow monkeys, but never really had one. She didn't have anything against the stuffed animals, but she didn't really care for them that much. She preferred books over toys. When they finally landed she nearly squealed in excitement. Once they stepped off the ship she looked around in amazement causing Numbuh 5 to chuckle in amusement.

"There is a whole lot more to see here baby."

"May I please have a tour?"

"Of course. Come on."

Smiling Kaitlyn happily followed Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 5; excited to see the whole treehouse and there was a lot to see. She saw the main hangar, the briefing room, mission prep room, power core, tv room, kitchen, training bay, monitor room, laundry attic, and she even got to see all the operative's rooms. Numbuh 1's room looked more like a storage room and his bed was made out of a bulldozer's scoop. Numbuh 2 slept in a cockpit of an F-14 plane integrated into the wall in the room he stayed in. Numbuh 3's room was filled with stuffed animals especially rainbow monkeys. Even her bed was a giant plushie. Numbuh 4 had a giant boxing ring in his room that he slept on and had lots of robots, weapon and exercise equipment. There was also a telescope mounted on top of his room that Kaitlyn would definitely ask to use. And finally Numbuh 5's room had a bathroom, DJ system, disco ball, candy bar pool table and a fireplace. Their rooms all looked so cool.

"You sure have a lot of rainbow monkeys Kuki" Kaitlyn replied surprised at just how many she actually has.

She expected a few. Not nearly a hundred!

"Aren't they so colorful and huggable?"

"I guess so."

They found the boys sitting in the tv room. Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 were playing video games while Numbuh 1 watched.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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