Divine Immunity

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Divine Immunity in Christ

(Touch not my Anointed)

Edifying Quote: Breaking divine protocol has grievous consequences! The seal marks you out as royalty determines how you carry yourself

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Edifying Quote: Breaking divine protocol has grievous consequences! The seal marks you out as royalty determines how you carry yourself. We are not only saved but safe. Not only insured but assured. Not only helped but are helpers,

Concept of Divine Immunity

Case: I remember a case where two sisters out of love and happiness decided to have a snapshot or photograph. They did and after the photograph was developed, it appeared with a binding visible cross in between them which was not there when they took it.

Also in another instance snapshot was taken while we were conducting a worship service and when developed there was this kind of radiance or halo light that encircled my head. I never noticed or regarded it until someone who saw it said that if it were to be abroad then they would have developed it further to show and examine the light. The situation and distance from which it was taken can't warrant that light. I know some sycophants will argue. Am a scientist too and I know what am talking. To God be all the glory.

There had been other cases where believers have been either surrounded by fire or immersed in the blood of Christ or dazzling protective light on their foreheads from testimonies of repentant witches, wizards or cult fellows who tried to attack genuine children of God.

Matt. 18:6

If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.

Ambassadors have immunity in the country they are serving and so all that belong to them have seals and cannot be checked. Doing so will amount to breaking agreed and signed diplomatic protocol. In the same light so also your health, body, soul, spirit, family etc. have divine immunity. Consciousness or firm awareness of this or your right stands you out, tall and secured and cannot be swayed. All things are ready. To be ignorant of who you are will make you an endangered species for the bible says that my people are destructed or err for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6, Matt.22:29). Seals are mostly engraved to make them permanent.

Christians have the seal of the Holy Spirit, the emblem of identification on their forehead which says this man or woman is sealed, shielded and protected. He or she is untouchable, 'uncurseable' therefore keep away- no thoroughfare, no packing, this is a reserved area. Devil or agents of darkness keep off or you will be grounded or bear the consequences. So the devil looks at you, small you and he thinks he can crush you but for the seal of identification he sees on your forehead. Through the seal as he looks at you he sees God, the omnipotent almighty. So you are under such protective cover. He looks at the seal again thinking he knows all about you but he sees the omniscience, the all-knowing God - who has exposed the devices and wiles of the devil unto you. You know more than the devil and his agents know. You should remember that. Remember what they called Peter and the disciples in their amazement - the unschooled or unlearned but how come they do such great things.

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