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"You have four new messages. First new message received on Tuesday at 9.45pm: Hey Maxine. I know the visit was hard on you today, but it's going to get better. I promise you. Take care and I'll see you next time around. Please stay safe. Goodbye.

End of the first message. Second message received Wednesday at 10.28am: Morning Maxine. I'm sure you're out doing things around the house. I was just calling to check in on you. The more I think about you, the more I realize how upset you had seemed. Please call me when you have the time. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much..." A sigh comes from the landlines speaker. Static momentarily is the only sound within the small apartment. "Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Right? Yeah, right...

End of the second message. The third message received Wednesday at 5.00pm: I'm sorry for calling again Maxine. I just..." Pause. "I feel like I'm invading your space... Please just call me as soon as you can. Don't do anything you'll regret.

End of the third message. Fourth message received Thursday at 12.13am: No lying: I've been sitting here waiting for you to call back. What the hell is up with you Maxine! Just call me back already!" The person on the other end can be heard sniffling. Silence lingers for a long couple of minutes. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that... It's not your fault, I know. I would block out everyone too. Just remember we're all here to help you whenever. Make sure to talk to us. We care for you deeply. Take care. Goodbye and sleep well.

End of messages. Press one to..."

The sound of the landline fades as a faint noise from within the bathroom is heard. Drip, drip, drip... Water droplets fall from the tub, the color of it just a little off. It would soon become a red: crimson red, blood red.


— Authors Note —
Tell me how this turned out. Critique if you are able to. Anything will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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