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The next morning i wake up and get dressed I brush my hair and teeth
And grab my bag when I get a text from Hayden 
H-have some good news let's walk
?oh and sorry I left last night
I toss me phone on my bed and put on my shoes then I go down stares
A-mom I'm walking with Hayden
K-Ok have a great day sweetie
I walk out and I see Hayden
A-soo what's the good news?
H-me and Dylan are back together!
I was so mad and so sad!
H-you happy
He stoped me
H-woah Ann's what's wrong?
I try to walk away but he stoped me
A-you just went back to her after I kissed you last night
H-it was just and thank you kiss!!!
That hurt
A-oh really!!
H-Annie you said!!!
H-what do you care anyw-
A-because I love you hayden I love you and I try so hard for you but every time I do you always end up with Dylan and if you could just see how is feels to find out your crush loves someone else it hurts Hayden!!!
A-no stop just leave me alone
I try to walk away but he grabs my hips turns me around and kisses me right on the lips!

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