Those Nights PEWDIECRY

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Those nights- 3 days grace

Listen to it. Learn it. Love it.

Cry's pov

The clear droplets of water made a loud patting noise as they hit onto the glass surface of the window. The dark clouds continued to thunder and shoot lightning every few minutes. The house was dark, but you could still see things if you squint. But I liked it like this, it makes me feel comfortable and the rain is like my only friend when I am alone. Like I am now.

Pewdie had went to the store to go and buy some food for us. I didn't really feel like going so I stayed her on the couch in the living room . He was staying here with me for a little while before he went back to Sweden, and it has been only like...a week? Maybe...or was it like two days ago?...a well, it doesn't really matter, as long as I'm with him, I'm fine.

I smiled a little, my body warming up just a little bit. I may or may not have a tiny(huge) crush on the Sweden, but I managed to hide it for his sake. I mean, what would a person react if their best friend, who is a guy, told them, who is a guy, that they had a crush on them ever since they saw their face and heard their voice for the first time? They, i'm guessing, would probably freak out and brake the friendship off. But I'm used to hiding anyway, that's the whole reason I made my mask.

My hip started vibrating and I knew that I just got sent a text from someone. I grabbed the phone in my small hand and looked at the text.

CinnamonToastKen: Hey Cry, do you and Pewds wanna play Trouble in Terrorist Town with me and Minx? I already texted her and she's cool with it. So what do ya say?I quickly texted back, my little fingers pressing the buttons on the screen at lightning speed.

Cryaotic:Yeah, I'll tell Pewdie when he comes back, he went out to get some groceries.

CinnamonToastKen: Alright, but I gotta come to your house since a friend of mine is borrowing my stuff, is that alright?

Cryaotic: Yeah it's cool, just come over in about 15 minutes.

CinnamonToastKen: Cool, see ya.

Cryaotic: Bye friend. 

CinnamonToastKen: Oh and Cry...

Cryaotic: Yeah?

CinnamonToastKen: Stay Toasty. ;3

I laughed at his funny saying, but replied anyway.

Cryaotic: Lol, Will do, bye.

I sat my phone down and stared out the window once more, watching the sparkly liquid slide down until it hit the pane. Life is just so beautiful sometimes. But not as beautiful as a certain foreign man I kn ow. There I go again, thinking about Pewds. I can't really help it, he's just an amazing person. From head to toe, he was just amazing. Not to mention very handsome. One of my most favorite features about him are his eyes. They hold so much emotion in them. They were a fascinating light sky blue colour and they always gave me butterflies when I looked into them. I wish they could be mine forever.

I frowned a little. He still liked Marzia even though they broke up in the summer, it was fall now. i know that he's straight and wouldn't be able to stop loving her. He even tried a few attempts to get her back, they failed, but no matter what he was determined. That's one of the things I love about his personality. He's so determined, never losing hope in anything. And when it comes to done things like him, neither do I. Even when I know we'll never be together, I'll still love him no matter what.

But that doesn't mean I don't get sad and mad about it sometimes.

A little familiar melody started playing in my head. I always thought of this song when Pewdie and I are together. I knew I was a terrible singer, but I couldn't help to sing the lyrics to the song I loved so much. I took a deep breath and began.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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