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In Busan, Jihoon was held grip the wristband. "It's too late." Daniel entered the room.

"Jihoon-ah, there something I want to ask." He sat next to Jihoon. "What is it?" Jihoon waited for the question.

"Why can't you be honest?" "Eh?" Jihoon turned his head to Daniel. "What do... you mean by that?"

"You can't hide the lies. I can tell that you're lying." He said. Jihoon looked down. "You don't believe me?" "That's not it!" Jihoon said.

"... I... I hate myself."

"Hah?" Daniel looked confused.

"All I care is about my happiness. I'm so dumb that I don't care people's happiness. I've lost everything. Please tell me, how to erase my happiness."

Tears just fell down from his eyes. "There is no such thing erase the happiness." Daniel spoke. "Then, how can I,"

"There is just remake the happiness." Jihoon eyes started to widen.

"Remake... the happiness?" Daniel nodded. "How?" He asked.

"You'll figure out soon enough. You don't want to lose something special anymore right?" He was surprised and looked at the wristband.


"Then go and find him." He stood up.

"Let me support your happiness, Hoonie." He smiled to Jihoon. "Daniel hyung..." he started to smile.

"Thank you." Jihoon stood up and ran off to the train station.


"Why am I so idiot? It's because I thought that he broke the promise. I find another love to forget about that promise. I'm the one who broke the promise."

He then noticed something and stopped running.

"This place..."

The park he met the boy 10 years ago. He saw someone under the tree. Jihoon walked closer to the tree. The person under the tree turned his back. Their eyes were met.


"Jihoon hyung...?"

The wind blew out while Jihoon walked closer to him and he stopped in 1 meter to Guanlin.

"What are you doing here?" Jihoon asked.

"What else, I've been searching for you everywhere." He said. "And when I saw this park, it reminds me of someone."

"Someone?" Jihoon questioned.

"Someone that I've always wanted to meet." He looked at the tree.

Jihoon looked down and gripped the wristband.

"Guanlin!" He called with a loud tone. He looked at Jihoon and surprised what he saw on Jihoon hand.

"Sorry! I broke the promise that we've made!" He bowed his head and showed the wristband to Guanlin.

"That wristband..."

"I... I thought that... boy was lying about that we will meet again. So, I started to forget about him and find a new story. A story about me with another person that don't even like me. I... didn't realize... that the boy I've waited for so long was always there."

"Jihoon hyung..."

"That is why, I'm sorry! You can have this back! I don't deserve to have it!"

Tears started fall to the ground. Steps came near to him.

"I always knew that you're the boy I met 10 years ago. And when I went to Seoul, I found Jinyoung hyung and we've become best friend. But then, when he introduces you to me, I feel surprised. Can't believe that you're the boy. I want to tell you that but, when I saw your eyes to him, I can see that you've forgot about the promise."

"I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! I know that I'm wrong. I've lost many people that I love. And I don't want to lose more! Eh?"

Jihoon surprised and looked up to Guanlin. He held Jihoon's hands.

"Guanlin...?" "I want you to keep it." Jihoon eyes were wide open.

"Why? I've hurt you enough but why are you still nice to me?" He asked. Guanlin smiled to him and answered the question.

"Because I love you."

Jihoon was surprised. "But I... I already hurt your feelings."

"I don't care. You love me or hate me, that is not the problem. The problem is if you disappear forever." Jihoon looked at Guanlin eyes.

"Whenever you're gone, I felt something missing. Something very precious to me. That is why, I want you to be here with me." Guanlin said and Jihoon quickly looked down.

"Hey Guanlin, can we... start over?" He asked. "What?"

"Can we start over to the beginning?"

"What do you mean by that?" Guanlin make a confuse look.

"We've met here in the first time. So, I want to make a new story. About a boy fell in love. And one day, they will have a happy end."

"What is the title of the story?" he asked.


"The characters are obviously me and, Lai Guanlin." Guanlin eyes were wide open.

"Let's start over again." Jihoon smiled. Guanlin slowly smiled him back.

"Yeah, let's start again." They hugged to each other. They stay in each other's arms, trying to squeeze every moment out of the short amount of time they have together.

And then they kissed while the wind blew off the leaf. They let go off the kiss.

"I love you."

8 years later.

"I'm home, Jihoon hyung." Guanlin entered the house. "Welcome home dear..." Jihoon looked at Guanlin with smile.

"I smell something nice..." Jihoon giggled. "I made your favorite food." Guanlin smiled widely and quickly hugged Jihoon. "Thanks for always my love!" Guanlin kissed Jihoon forehead.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. Daniel hyung and Seungwoo hyung invite us to their sixth anniversary tomorrow..." Jihoon said. "Oh really? But what if I don't wanna come?" Jihoon pouts. "You must! Daniel hyung already help me a lot!" Guanlin chuckles. "Oh yeah. Baejin and Daehwi also come." Jihoon said. "That makes me even don't want to come." "Why?" Jihoon asked.

"Cause last time when we have a double date with Baejin hyung and Daehwi hyung, you always talks with him and not me." seeing Guanlin jealous makes Jihoon giggles. He raised his hands to touch Guanlin cheeks and he leans closer to Guanlin face.

3... 2... 1...


A kiss just received to Guanlin from Jihoon. Guanlin surprise by what Jihoon did. "Mianhae... Linlin-ah... How bout after dinner, we do lots of fun?" Jihoon look at him seductively. Guanlin blushed and he grinned happily.

"Just don't say stop okay? Cause You're the one who ask for it."

The end.


Yay... Its the end! Now focus on don't wanna love or make a new story again? Cause I have another story. And its r18+ but I'm not sure if you guys want to read it or not. And I also think to make a bonus chapter for this story. But idk yet. Anyway, thanks for reading. Love you all!

Voment pleaseee

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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