Chapter Eight Wedding and moroi court

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It was a normal day at the Cullen house the girls were fighting demons in the living room and every one else was watching.  "Falon now throw the potion." Skylar yelled to Falon who had to wait for just the right second then through the potion. They all three recited a spell and the demons exploded into ash marks on the floor.

The room was now a mess and the sleeve of Falon's top was half ripped off. "Boo I liked this top." Falon complained "Oh well it looks better this way." She said ripping the other sleeve to match. "Make the object of my objection become but a dream as I cause the scene to be unseen." Falon said and the room went back to normal, the couch was no longer through the wall, half the wall was no longer burning and the ash marks on the floor were gone along with the broken glass. "Well I'm going to go change." Falon said about to go upstairs when Edward grabbed her hand.

"Wait I have a surprise." Edward said 

"What kind of surprise?" Falon asked and they walked to the front door.

"Remember when your car was ruined by demons?" Edward asked knowing the answer.

"Yes I do I was very angry."Falon said and Edward opened the door. "Oh my god." Falon gasped and ran outside. Edward got her a shinny new red car. She sat in the drivers seat and Edward sat in the passengers seat. Falon looked at all the buttons amazed. "This is so awesome! Thank you Edward." Falon said happily 

"Anything for you. But this isn't the only surprise." Edward said and pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket and opened it up to see a ring. "Falon Halliwell will you marry me?" Edward proposed and Falon's eyes opened wide.

"Yes."Falon answered and time just seemed to stop for them and they started kissing. A few minutes later they went back inside.

"Congrats." Tammy said 

"Skylar's been running her mouth about her vision of this for weeks. It been hard keeping this a secret from both of you." Rosalie said 

Then a demon appeared in the hallway and Falon seemed to astral project down the hall throw fire at the demon and then enter her own body again.

"When did you learn to do that?" Tammy asked

"Do what?" Falon asked confused 

"Astral projection." Skylar stated 

"Just now I guess. Our power is supposed to get stronger over time." Falon said 

"Didn't we hear stories about aunt Prue having astral projection." Skylar said 

"Oh yeah. Do you remember that her story ended with her death." Falon said 

"Her death had nothing to do with astral projection." Tammy argued 

"Remember the story about aunt Piper's wedding." Skylar said 

"Yes I do she crashed the wedding accidentally with a biker projection of her self and killed a guy. That story didn't end well either. Now I'm going to summon her to take back this stupid power." Falon said 

"What why you were ok with it like just a few moments ago." Tammy said 

"That was until I remembered it didn't help save Prue's life and I would prefer to have powers that will save mine." Falon said and stepped on the first step of the stairs. "Blossom the spell involves blood can you be the force field blocking the door." Falon asked and Blossom nodded them both running upstairs.

"I am so confused to what just happened." Esme said 

"I'm not she's trying to get rid of a gift just because it makes her to much like Prue." Tammy said and orbed upstairs into the room with Falon.

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