a half year ago....

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This is something i wrote a half year ago. I just didn't feel like posting.  Now i do do here it is:

No-one sees me. Nobody hears me. They are too bussy for me. No-one hears my shout for help. All they do is shout at me. All of their agression is coming my way. I am their way of releasing their anger an negativity. They Hate me with no reason. They're making fun of me, i don't know why . They call me negative things. They may not always realise it  but they do. I like someone but i'm afraid. All the time they laugh me off. They dont realise that i'm done with that.
I don't dare to say who i like. Because they THINK i have a new chrush each week. Wich ins't the truth. I am just joking around. They take me way too serieus. But one thing is for sure: he understands me, has  the same humor . I know him but he knows me more. I'm a closed book but at the time you show me its save to open up more i do.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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