Chapter Three

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“We are going on a school trip to the seaside in a month’s time. Please bring back these permission slips signed by your guardian if you wish to go.” The head mistress explained. “Oh, and do not forget that the autumn dance is being held in two days time. Good day students.” She added briskly.

“Only two days Pamela, I can’t wait. Imagine it: me, Jeremy and music – perfect harmony; and of course, you and Anthony. Ah, I can just picture it! All I can think about is Jeremy, his name echoes in my head over and over again. I really am head over heels now.” I brimmed, gasping at my imaginings.

“W, O, W, WOW! You are love sick, girl! Really! What has gotten into you? Please say you’re joking, because you’re scaring me! I mean, even me and Anthony aren’t that deep, and we’ve known each other since first year of this darned high school!” Uttered Pamela completely flabbergasted.

“Not like you couldn’t tell though. You’re slyer than that! You knew right from the beginning. I know you did. Jessie asked me how deep I was, and at the same time told me you were wondering if I were deep enough to want to marry him. Now come on! You must have known!” I added, feeling proud of my simple deduction and conclusion. She simply smirked and quietly giggled to herself. As we walked off in the direction to science, I bumped into Jeremy carrying a big crate of powdered chalk, sugar, salt, copper sulphate, water, and 250ml cups. “I’m guessing that those are for science, am I not correct? We’re doing dissolving so I guess that’s just revision.” I guessed.

“Well yes, you are correct Professor I. Oannes, and of course you would know that I have been moved to sit beside you today – this is partner work and, as you may have noticed, both our partners are absent!” Jeremy informed.

“Well, my oh my! I’d better leave you two love birds – I have my Spanish to get to!” Pamela whispered to me, sighing, as she waved and turned to the other door way. I loved science – my results were always top as well. My science teacher – Mr Hollanders – was a very fun person to be around; he never made us look constantly at textbooks and copy things out, he let us discover science by giving us extracts to read out, then he would leave us with experiments to explore or diagrams to draw – there’d always be something to get us interested.

“Today we will be doing revision on dissolving, an experiment on what things dissolve and which do not. Since this is mere primary school work I expect this first task to be completed in, twenty minutes – including a full explanation on how you carried out the experiment, and a conclusion and results table. You may start, quickly now!” Mr Hollanders explained with thorough enjoyment. Jeremy unpacked our set for the experiment as I fetched five 250ml glasses filled with warm water.

“Which shall it be first Indigo – salt perhaps?” He suggested.

“Umm, ok! I don’t really mind. Salt would be good.” I agreed. We dumped two teaspoons of salt into one of the glasses. “Six stirs should do the trick.” I commented as he put the spoon into the water. “I’d say that was dissolved – don’t you think?” I asked.

“Yeah, let’s move on.” He decided – and so on it went. I thought it was going to be the most ordinary science lesson – boy, oh boy I was wrong. I was clearing away after the lesson when I spilt some salt solution on my bare legs – I was meant to be allergic!

“Uh, Jeremy... Are you seeing those scales, or am I just in need of glasses? I’m a fish! Ewwwww!” I screamed terrified of my new tale.

“Yeah, I see it but don’t make such a racket! Someone else will see! I don’t want you to be experimented on for the rest of your life, and I would have thought that you wouldn’t either! Now come on to the first aid. Do you mind if I carry you?” He asked, but not waiting for an answer he whisked me off the ground up into his arms. “You know, maybe if we dry it your legs will come back. It might work and it’s worth a try.” He added thoughtfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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