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Hamilton Ver

Alexander sat in front of the fireplace as he read the letters that his beloved Eliza has written for him throughout the years. He kept each letter in a secret wooden box within his nightstand drawers. The Caribbean immigrant was re-reading each letter over and over again before picking up the pamphlet. A pamphlet he deeply regrets ever reading it in the first place. Ever since he got home from work the people were reading a four-page pamphlet causing him a bit curious.

The saying of "Curiosity kills the Cat" is the perfect term to describe Alexander pain he was in right now. The pamphlet he read over and over was written by his wife who briefly that affair she has with James Reynold. The two of them doing it in his house while Reynolds wife knowing consists. Along frequently of both them in their very own house. Tears began staining the written papers as it was being crumbled by the Treasurer's hands.

Even Jefferson and Madison couldn't the bare the thought of Hamilton wife cheating on him behind his back. It was determined that the affair started when Alex decided to visit his father-in-law along with their children. Just how could Eliza do this to him? The women who vowed to always be true to him, as Alexander promise to be true to the raven-haired women.

I saved every letter you wrote to me

From the moment I read them

I knew you were mine

You say you were mine

I thought you were mine

Do you know what Laurens say,

When we saw your first letter arrive?

He says

"Be careful with that one, my friend

She would do what it takes to survive"

You and your words flooded my senses

Your sentences left me defenseless

You built me palaces out of paragraphs

You built cathedrals

I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me

I'm searching and scanning for answers

In every line

For some kind of sign

And when you were mine

The world seemed to



All the memories of their loving moments where Alex actually draw some of the scenery where he took Eliza out on dates. Some were very cheesy but mostly romantic as well since each date ended with them passionately kissing. Now all memories are burning by raging fire of his soul. Alexander read the letters in the pamphlet of what James wrote to Eliza, love letters that seem to be endless between this man and Eliza.

You publish the letters he wrote you

You told the whole world how you brought

Reynolds into our bed

In clearing his name, by ruining our lives

Do you know what Laurens said

When he read what you'd done?

He said

" You married and Icarus,

She has flown too close to the sun"

You and your words, obsessed with my legacy

Your sentences border on senseless

And you are paranoid in every paragraph

How they perceive you


The Caribbean man dropped down to his knees as the tears continue shedding down his face. The tears leaving a stain on each paper but one paper caught his attention. It was one paper near the first slowly burning to its death. The fire has met Alexander heartbroken brown eyes as if they were communicating with each other for sometimes. Grabbing every letter that Eliza wrote to them, all the drawing he made, and the portrait of her and him together.

I'm erasing myself from my narrative

Let future historian wonder how Alexander

Reacted when you broke his heart

You tore it all apart

I am watching it


Watching it burn

The world has no right to my heart

The world has no place in our bed

They don't get to know what I said

I'm burning the memories

Burning the letters that might have redeemed you

You forfeit the right to my heart

You forfeit the place in our bed

I'll sleep in my office instead

With only the memories

Of when you were mine!

Alexander Hamilton watched all the memories that he once shared with Eliza Schuyler Hamilton embrace by the flames. All of his children were hiding behind the door as they watch their father suffered from his broken heart. Many of them were distraught but also crying along sharing the pain that their own was going through. They all felt the anger and betrayal within them. Not many of them were paying attention until the eldest son watch his father dropped an object like a necklace that holds his wedding ring.

His father drops the ring began eaten flames of fire. Alexander's eyes were now emotionless along with his broken heart being now black and cold-hearted.

I hope that you burn.

Finish!! YAY!! OMG, I'm crying. Well, I hope you enjoy it. 

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