. : | Seven | : .

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| Mars POV |

Emily looked at Moriah like she was crazy .
" Who asked you , weird virgin girl ? "
Moriah rolled her eyes . She looked back at Corey .
" Who the fuck is she anyways ? Like what does she do . You can't find anything about her online . Is she like an alien ? She can't even leave her house , no wonder she has no friends . And she won't have sex either . Where is she from ? She's actually , like , two different people . What a fucking psycho . "
" She's Brittany . " Corey said sternly . " She does have friends . She has me , Tony , and Moriah . Brittany has morals , something YOU don't . And she's not a psycho . I think she's awesome . "
Emily looked at him blankly , not saying a word .
" If you can't respect me and my friends , you don't need to communicate with me . Not that it's ever a pleasure to have a chat with the post-it . I don't need you trying to stick to me too . "
Tony's face turned red from laughter and Moriah evilly grinned a little too .
Emily turned around , facing the front of the seat not saying another word . It was pretty fucking hilarious , I have to admit it . But this isn't his first time shutting her down . He's shut her down multiple times and she still comes back for more . I don't get that girl at all . Corey's not interested in you sweetie . Go be a hoe somewhere else with someone who wants your overused pussy .
What a fucking weirdo . The bus pulls up to the school and everyone rushes off the bus . I go to my locker . I'd usually stick around with the rest but I left something important in there and I needed it . I put in my locker combination and open it . I grab my homework and slammed it back close .  When I closed it Corey was on the other side and I screamed .
" Corey , you almost scared me ! " I told him with my heart still feeling like it was going to beat out of my chest while holding my chest .
" Sorry . " He said smiling . " I hope I didn't hurt you or anything .
See ? How could I have such a terrible dream about someone so sweet . I don't know what the dream means . But all I know is Corey will NEVER hurt me . Purposely . There was this one time I accidentally got gum stuck in my hair and I had to cut it short but that's the only thing I can think of him physically hurting me . But it was a accident like I said . I don't know , I just really like Corey . He's an amazing friend .
" No , " I said , giving my full attention to him . " Not at all . So what's up ? "
" Nothing really , I just saw you rushed to your locker and assumed something was wrong . I just wanted to check on you and stuff . "
" I'm fine . " I said with a half-smile , half-frown .
" I'm sorry about Emily . If that's what this is about . Well even if it's not , I'm still sorry . She shouldn't be talking to you like that . "
I just stood there quietly . Corey was tapping his fingers on the lockers . His fingernails were black . Some of the nail polish came off a bit , but they still fit his hands perfectly . Corey was a beautiful boy . He had black hair that reached at least his shoulders and really long fingers with even longer arms . He has the body of a ten year old girl who hasn't hit puberty yet but I didn't seem to care much about that . Today he was wearing a white shirt with black horizontal stripes and black pants with his Steve Madden shoes . Which was pretty basic for him since he's the kind of guy to wear crop tops .
He didn't seem to care much about gender roles , which I thought was great .
" Your fingernails look pretty . " I said finally , ignoring everything he said about Emily .
" Yeah , " He said looking at them . " They laugh at me . "
I smiled .
" I'll never see anything in a girl like that . I promise . "
This for some reason caused me to cheese even harder .
Corey did too .
" I think you're perfect the way you are . "
For a second we just stood there looking at each other in the eyes which felt like forever . The bell rung and me and Corey fell out of our daze .
" Well . " He said , looking up at the wall as if he just saw something then back down at me .
" Do you want me to walk you to first period ? "
" No thanks . " I said scratching my head .
" Too bad , I'm going to walk you anyways . "
I smiled at him as he took my books out of my hand and began to walk . We had a mini conversation about music and photography on the way .
" Well , this is your stop . " He said gently handing me my books back making sure no paper fell out of my binders . I looked at the clock .
" Titanic , you're going to be late for class because of me . "
The time was now seven forty and his first period class was all the way on the other side of the school .
" Are you sure you'll be okay ? I'll ditch with you if you're not . "
I blushed . " Yes Titanic , I'm fine . Now please go to class before you get yourself into trouble . "
" I'd take that risk for a friend . "
I just looked at him for a moment .
" Go ! " I said playfully pushing him .
He smiled at me and then walked off .
I walked into class . Ugh , math . I hated this period . Emily and her moron friends , Elita Zine and Jasmin Foxe was in this class . And all period all they'd do is sit in the back of the class and laugh at shit that isn't even remotely funny and talk shit about me .
And I have to admit it , Elita and Jasmin would be pretty smart girls if they didn't let Emily steer them in the wrong direction all the fucking time .

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