(At Your Best) Let Me Know 6 1/2

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(This is A Recap Of part 6 and sorry i haven't been updating fast enough)

Ari: okay what about in school you walk past Me, Tiny, Saronie, and Niah

Chanel: i just thought you guys ain't wanna deal wimmie no more

Niah: chanel stfu if we ain't wanna hang with you we wouldn't have called and texted you we have to go through will just to get to you *yells*

Saronie: *looks at Niah shocked*

Tiny: y'all chill out ma'niya don't need See or hear all of this please

Will: y'all vibe bruh.. Chanel just be open with them let them know the truth

Chanel: *looks at him and looks down* well guys I've been hiding something for a while

Ari: you pregnan-

Niah: Wait hol-

Chanel: I'm moving * tears drop from her eyes*

Tiny: chanel girl we thinking you pregnant , so what if you moving your acting like will gon take you away from us we can always visit *hugs her*

Ari: wtf.. *gets up walks out the house, and drives off*

Niah: And you now telling us .. man i wish you the best *goes upstairs*

Saronie: well that went left.. I'll go speak to Niah and then call Ari *goes upstairs*

Chanel: *sits on the couch and cries*

Ma'niya: *climbs on the couch* bwg gwirls dont cry that's what my mwommy tell me all the twme

Chanel: i know princess but sometimes you have to so you can rebuild strength again *hugs her*

Ma'niya: it's okay chichi *hugs back*

Tiny: *smiles at ma'niya* come on mama let's go help cousin Niah be happy again

Ma'niya: otay *walks to tiny so she can pick her up*

Tiny: *goes upstairs with niya*

(It's Just Will And Chanel)

Will: see mama this is what i was telling you

Chanel: babe i was scared i couldn't do anything

Will: look where it got you now, i will forever love you no matter what

Chanel: i love you too baby *kisses you*

Will: *kisses back*

(5 hours later everyone made back up but everyone is still waiting on Ari just to come back home.. they kept calling for hours the dial tone would ring twice but then goes to voicemail)

Niah: i hope she's okay

Will: yeah me too

(The Front Door Opens Ari Walks In With Tears All Over Her Face)

Ari: *looks at chanel* why she still here

Chanel: Ari stfu please can we just talk about this please

Ari: how tf we suppose to talk about this and you leaving we're suppose to go to college together, get married on the same day, have our babies the same year, and die together as one that's WHAT BESTFRIENDS ARE FOR! *yells and cries*

Chanel: *starts crying and hugs her* Ari I'm very sorry our friendship will never end 11 years can never go down the drain trust me

Ari: then why are you leaving?

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