Dead Roses

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Dead Roses

Today's the day Sawyer's going to do it. He's going to talk to the pretty girl in his chemistry class. He's seen her in school for months, and he's never had the courage to say anything. He glances across the cafeteria at her. He can only see the top of her head. She's bent over a textbook doing her homework studiously. Her lunch tray sits in front of her, untouched, just like every day.

Before Sawyer can lose his nerve, he gets up and goes over to her. He sits down in front of her. "Hi," he says. She jumps and looks up at him.

"Oh, are you talking to me? Hello." Her speech is formal and she pronounces every consonant.

"I'm Sawyer. I think we have the same chemistry class," he says.

"Oh." She frowns, appearing to be deep in thought. "I suppose we do. My name is Daeva."

"That's a pretty name. What does it mean?" Sawyer asks with a smile.

"Spirited," she replies. A small smile crosses her face.

Sawyer's about to ask for her number when the bell rings. Her dark eyes seem to glaze over. Daeva puts her textbook and homework in her bag. She gets up and throws away her untouched lunch and heads off to class without another word. Sawyer shakes his head and goes in the other direction. Sure she's a little strange, but he can't help feeling a pull towards her.

After school, Sawyer watches outside for Daeva. There are almost four thousand students and somehow he manages to spot her. "Daeva!" He calls. She doesn't stop. Sawyer runs to catch up with her. "Hey Daeva." He falls in step with her. She looks up at him and seems startled.

"Oh, hello." She furrows her brows. "Sawyer?"

"Yes. Do you walk home after school?" He asks, studying her.

"Yes," she says. "Every day." A frown mars her face, and Sawyer feels his own lips pulling down to match. They walk a few blocks making small talk. Sawyer does most of the talking but he doesn't mind. Daeva is quiet, but she's listening. They come to a stop outside a house with grey peeling paint.

"This is my home," she says.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later then." Sawyer stuffs his hands in his pockets and shuffles his feet. "Maybe I could take you to dinner sometime?" Daeva smiles sadly, though Sawyer can't place why.

"Maybe," she agrees. Sawyer waves and heads towards his own home. As he takes a few steps, he turns to say goodbye to Daeva. She doesn't go inside the house. Instead, her eyes are glazed over again and she heads behind it.

Sawyer can't justify to himself why he follows her. He just does. Daeva heads into the woods behind her house and Sawyer follows, twenty feet after her. She walks for about fifteen minutes. She doesn't stop or tire. It's like she instinctively knows where she's going. Finally, in the heart of the forest, she sits down on a large rock. Her arms go behind her, supporting her. Her fingers press against the stone. She closes her eyes and tilts her chin up towards the barely visible sun. Sawyer watches her for a half hour, entranced by her. What is she doing? He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of her.

Unfortunately, he forgot to take the flash off. Daeva's head snaps around and she's staring at him with those glassy dark eyes. Sawyer ducks behind a tree and waits until she seems to forget about him. She assumes her position again, and that's when he runs. He doesn't stop when he escapes the forest. He only stops when he gets home.

Once he gets home, Sawyer texts his best friend Jace. He asks Jace to come over, and Jace agrees. Within moments, they're hanging out in Sawyer's room. "Okay, so you know that girl in our chemistry class? The really quiet one who never says anything?" Sawyer begins.

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