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plot twist: interuptions in kissing/smut scenes dont actually happen by someone walking in or a person's phone ringing.  c'mon guys, be creative. i know it's hard and soemtimes you want them to almost kiss but not quite get to the actual kissing, but can we please think of a different interuption?  like, besides these:

1. m/c or boy's phone suddenly rings/buzzes

2. door opens

3. someone walks in on them

4. m/c or boy suddenly remembers that they're dating someone else (and i hate when the kiss when they're in a relationship with soemone else, like, if m/c Victoria cheated on her boyfriend - let's say his name is Tom - with a guy named Bob, who says m/c victorica not going to cheat on Bob with someone else? m/c victoria has cheated before, so who's to say that she wont' do it again?)

these are all oversued and it's getting very old. so please, please please, stop.

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