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She doesn't even remember when she first started playing RO.  All she could recall was that she was very young when she did. Very young.

And as what comes with being a very young girl playing a strange online game, she had feared giving out her true identity out in there might cause something unpleasant. So inside the game, she was E.

Yes, a persona to hide her from the online world. A bad place to be, as she was told. Maybe so the reason why she had felt the need to shield herself from it. But why would she venture the bad? She herself couldn't answer the question.

So long she has played RO, the game was strange no more, and turned into something she looked forward to everyday. It was the very thing that made her happy and contented.

She made friends. "Amazing ones," she would say. She loved her online friends so dearly. In the online world, she felt she could unleash her inner thoughts and feelings. More than she could in the outside world, at least. Even then, she was just so scared to let her real identity out, but she knew her friends needed more than the character named, "Ella."

"Ella" needed her own identity, of course. They wanted to contact her outside of the game, so she created a social media account. So then, she was "Ella Dumlao."

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