Chapter 1:

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As percy woke up he noticed he was tied to a chair. He quickly tries to remember how he got there.... then suddenly remembers some older guy calling him Henrik. Then knocking him out. He then quickly used a pocket knife that he had in his sleeve to cut the rope tying him to the chair.

Soon after finally managing to break free. He heard the to the room open. So he quickly uncapped riptide along with getting into an attack stance. The one who he remembers having knocked him into the now open door. With a nervous woman following him.

After staring at him for a while. the man order ordered the woman to do something. After seeming to hesitate for a few seconds the woman nods. She then started to mutter something I couldn't understand. As soon as she stops her chanting. The man looked him in the eye's Before demanding he to drink her blood.

It was then that he realized he couldn't control himself. Almost as if the man was controlling him. He took step after step towards the woman. All the while trying to stop himself. But it wasn't meant to be, as when he could finally control his body again it was already too late.

Getting angry, he asked what they did to him. Not noticing Percy's anger the, seemingly happy, man told esther (the woman) to leave. Esther quickly refused, the man grabbing her by the throat. Then started to choke her. Getting even angrier percy punched the man in the gut.

The man, now glaring at esther, turned to Percy with an enraged look on his face. Just as he was about to say something. Percy using his powers. He gathered some of the water from the air. Then quickly froze the man in a block of ice.

Percy, not wanting the man to hurt her when the ice melted. He Asked her if she had somewhere safe for her? Esther immediately answered yes. Then explained her children were currently living in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Realizing he had never been there before.

Quickly asking for a description of the place so he could visualize it in his head to vapor travel there. Her description was of a wooded area with a sign that said Welcome To Mystic Falls. Grabbing her hand he quickly vapor traveled to the place esther had described.

Having used most of his energy. Due to having never being there before, not to mention the old barrier. Being used to prevent people from entering or leaving. Using means other than by foot or with mortal ways of transportation.

He quickly became hungry. Just as he was about to ask if esther knew any good restaurants nearby. He saw a giant wolf running towards them growling viciously at both him and esther.

He pulled out riptide ready for a fight he knew would probably kill him. He told esther to run to a safe location. While he holds the wolf back. Esther refusing to leave him, got out her phone and called her son Klaus. To help save them.

Klaus luckily having answered on the first ring. Asked Esther who was calling him. As well as telling her he was in the middle of a battle with his brother Elijah. Esther sounding exasperated stated you two are fighting again. Esther then told her son that it was her and quickly explained what had happened.

She then asks for his help against the wolf. Hearing him agree she told him where they were. Elijah having overheard the conversation followed klaus to Percy and Esther's location. They got there too late to prevent Percy from getting bitten.

Seeing the bite mark on Percy's left shoulder Elijah was killing the wolf. While Klaus tried to cure the poison from the bite. When he was right next to him he heard Percy's bones start breaking one by one. Quickly realizing what was happening. Klaus waited expecting screams. Shockingly he didn't scream or anything from the pain.

As the last bone broke he screamed in pure agony. His scream slowly turning into a howl as he shifted for the first time. As Percy stood up the others there noticed he was a pure black wolf with a sea green trident on his left shoulder crescent moon on his front left paw. Falling sideways onto the ground. Percy shifted back to his human form, suprisingly dressed. Another surprise was the crescent moon on his front left paw was now on his left wrist.

Perseus Jackson the reborn soul of Henrik Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now