We Get Fallowed.

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Most of all;



I pull Vi into the car and slam the door, NOT crushing her food like she did mine. I got in the drivers side, "What an asshole! He has no buisness snooping around." I said calming down and put the keys in the ignition.

"I know right! He's such an asshat! -I looked at her very confused- OH I saw it in a dictionary of somesort, it means; When you make such an ass out of yourself it's as if you're wearing your assyness as a hat!" She said and I just shook my head, I pulled out of the parkinglot and started driving home (Very unaware we were being freaking fallowed! Stupid stupid stupid!) I took the long way home, which had many sharp turns and odd loops just for the scenery.

"Why you taking the long way Eve?" Vi asked looking through the window.

"Bored, I guess oh well this way is alot more entertaining to drive on." I said turning a sharp corner nearly missing a slight ledge, while smiling to myself.

"Nice one, but let's try NOT to kill ourselves." She said tensly, she's never been fond of this way. I sighed and went straight down the road in one shot, pulling into our driveway. Watching someone speed down the sloping road, I shook my head people are such idiots you don't just bolt down the street. You slowly bolt, yes that makees no sense at all. I got out of the car pulling the keys out. I opened up the door and when to go pour myself some 'wine'.

"Having some 'wine'? Good idea, think I'll have some too." Vi said, kicking the door closed behind her and got some real wine for herself. "So why can't I ever try yours?" She asked me out of the blue.

"It'll make you regurgate, remember blood and porciline don't agree." I reminded her pointedly sitting down on one of the old loveseats in the living room, she fallowed and sat in an old chair of mine. We talk alot about nothing and watch an old show called Dark Shadows. When it got around 11 we decided we should go to bed even though tomarrow is some holiday I can't remember which. I turned off the T.V. and Vi poured her wine and my 'wine' down the sink, the two combined and a grotesque yellow is what they made in color smoke came from the mixture like normal.

"It's still so disturbing what happens when the two combine, I mean that just turns my stomach." She said and I shrugged, telling her that she's going to sleep, it doesn't matter if she's put off her appatite. We went up stairs and went to our rooms abit later, after checking that the doors were locked (All four) and the windows were latched.


In the dead of the night I woke up, hearing a scratch of porcelin on my door. "What?" I asked, getting up and tying my now blonde hair back and unlocking the door, opening it. Vi looked at me scared, her face was comepletely washed so she was completely white like a ghost. She told me something broke downstairs and it woke her up.

"It was probably another stupid bird that smacked the window again." I told her and she shook her head, determind that something or someone is in the house. I didn't belive her so she gripped my arm tightly and pulled me to the stairs.

"Walk down them or I'll push you, I know someone's here." She whispered to me her voice cracked in fear. How easily scared she can get, it's actually freightening. So I silently slid down the rail and jumped over the banister, landing silently on my feet both curved so I didn't even make a scuff noise. Vi  did the same but when she came to the banister, she curved her left foot so when she hit it she went upward, hanging on the steps above. I now heared the quickly sweeping of glass in the guestroom. I slid over to the door, grabbing a dagger on the way (The irony, daggers can kill me. But I use one to kill others.) Vi was there before me and peered through the keyhole. She shook her head, meaning she can't tell who it is. So I opened the door so quickly the hindges didn't have time to creak.

"Why are you here? How did you fallow us? Get. The. Hell. Out." I said to the boy, who I knew exactly who was.

"My my, for someone so wicked you are sooo to the point Eve." He said snarkily and stood, he looked me straight in the eye, mine were sharp and deadly while his were keen and knowing. "Maybe you'll want to bring me in the frontroom, interigate me, pour yourself and Vi some two different type of 'wine' and kill me off." He said keeping his cool, which he knew bothered me to no end when I was mad. Vi slipped behind him without his knowing and laced her arms in his, making his elbows bend straight so his arms couldn't move. She pushed him out the door and into the frontroom. I fallowed them, dagger still in hand How could I have not known we were being fallowed?!? I thought to myself sitting down on the loveseat as she tied him to one of the chairs.

"Nice, making Violet do your dirty work figures from you." He said and Vi stood from the seat she had just sat in and smacked him.

"It's my choice, and my pleasure to do this. Expecially from earlier, asshat." She said and sat down, he glared at her and I snapped my fingers his glare turning to me.

"Now what do you know? And how can we keep your damn mouth shut about it, boy?" I said calmly, holding a glass filled of bovine blood.

"Boy has a name, and you know it. No need to be rude." He snapped at me, in which I replied that I know his name, I just simply Do. Not. Care. That one didn't make him happy. I stood and smacked him, my fingers had gone back to being agile and sharp so when my hand connected with his face my nails slit his cheek so easily that he didn't scream out in pain for a few momments.

"Being uncoropperative wont help you, I can do much worse than slap you." I said sitting down and he glared at me.

"Fine, I know what you're drinking is far from wine, you're not a human, neither is Violet, but you two are completely seperate things." He spat every single word at us, Vi broke a few of his fingers for calling us things, he merely laughed. But since she has a kind nature she patched his cheek and his fingers. I sighed and shook my head. "My grounds for keeping quiet, let me live here, talk to me at school in a nice manner and I may keep my mouth shut. Go against that and everyone will know." He said wickedly. I stood imediatly, and snapped.

"You think you can mock us! Blackmail us!? I might as well slaughter you now if you think you have that power!" I barked at him, my eyes flaring a deep red and my fangs starting to show once again.

"But you can't, because she'll stop you and what will you do once I'm dead? I may become a ghost and still be able to tell people about you two." He said, the funny things humans think up. You can't become a ghost once you die if you have so called 'unfinished buisness.' if you do oh well go burn in hell. You're born a ghost, humans are fools. I merely nodded and Vi looked at me in horror.

"Eve! He can't stay with us! He can't!!!" She shreiked at me and he grinned like a mad man. My eyes remained red and my teeth will be fixed in the morning. I untied him and he sat there willingly. I poured my blood all over him, most of it getting in his mouth, which caused him to gag uncontrolably he choked a few times but got over it about half an hour later.

"You'll pay for that!" He said fallowing us to my room, Vi's bunking with me tonight I have much better locks on my door (Three) and I don't trust him with breakable people. She stepped inside and I did too, before I closed the door I popped my head out grinning.

"No I wont, I didn't break any of your damned rules, you never said we couldn't be cruel. -He looked at me in horror, just how I liked it at the momment- You'll sleep on the loveseat tonight." I said and shut the door, locking the door and the wondows. I listened to him go down the stairs and plop on the loveseat.

Boy oh boy do I hate Dean.


Sorry if there are misspelled words! I'm writing on my nook.. so I don't have a spell check to use before I post it!

And if anyone's actually reading this and LIKES it I'd like atleast two comments to continue! 'Cause I'm gettin unsure if anyone's reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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