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*Scarlett's P.O.V*

It was a very cold night as it was raining this morning and it was the most perfect time to sleep in a very comfy bed of mine, but not until I heard a loud bang from the next room, probably Inferno's room.With a mix of annoyed and curious feeling, I slid down from my bed and lazily went out to see what happened. As I opened the door to my room, I could see a thick layer of smoke coming from Inferno's room. I turned to my left and saw Scatter -my sister- coming out from her room, probably wondering what had just happened too. We both exchanged glaces and turned back facing at the now smoky corridor.

"What happened?" She asked as she covered her mouth with her hands, trying to prevent her from smelling the smoke.

"I have no idea." I shook my head and slowly walking towards Inferno room's door. "Inferno what happe- what the hell?!"

I stood in door frame with my eyes widened in horror. Oh my God! The smokes were coming out from his body!

"Inferno! Bro, hey!!" I ran toward him and shook his body. It's no use. His system had been forced to shut down completely. No matter how I do, he won't wake up. I turned towards Scatter who was standing in horror, just by looking what just happened in front of her. Right next to her was Voltage who had the same reaction as Scatter's.

"Scat, go and find Professor Jarel! Vol, help him!" I shouted as I try to wake up Inferno who was in my arm. Scatter nodded as quickly ran off to find Professor Jarel.

"Did his system completely shut down?" Voltage asked as he quickly ran towards us. I shook my head. Inferno's body was so hot that I could feel the hotness burning my human-like skin. Voltage slowly scanned Inferno's body and look at me with horror in his yellow shiny eyes.

"He was over charging himself..." Voltage's voice was slow as a whisper.

"A-and..?" I asked and shivered slightly, wanting to know his full answer.

"His charging plot burnt out. And caused his system to completely shut down and blow up his core gear." A quite sob could be heard at the end of hid sentence. My jaw dropped to the ground, seriously surprised with his answer.

"W-what should we do?" I felt like I wanted to cry, but android could not cry. However after Professor Jarel set up some new updatebfor us, we were able to feel what human feel but we cannot run out tears.

"Wait for professo-" Voltage was interrupted by someone at the door frame. Professor Jarel, he face was very pale and Scatter was right behind him, shaking endlessly.

"What happened to him?" Professor Jarel rushed towards us and scanned Inferno's  body.

"Over charged. And the core gear blown up probably cause the charging plot has been over charged.." He once again repeat the most hurtful thing I ever heard in my entire life being an android. Professor Jarel nodded his head and ordered Voltage to bring Inferno's chargeless body to the laboratory. Scatter and I also followed them to the laboratory, hoping that Professor Jarel could save him.


As we reached the laboratory, Professor Jarel removed Inferno's clothes and put him inside a huge glass tube filled with some sort of water. Inferno's naked (sorry this the only thing I can think of) floated when Professor Jarel clicked a button on the glass tube.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head around only to meet up with Voltage yellow eyes. He seemed to be a bit calm from earlier.

"Just how the hell did he over changed himself? Hadn't he set up the alarm when he is fully charge?" Voltage groaned under his breath. I turned my gazed down and shook my head slowly.

"I also don't know..." I answered with a slight sob at the end of my sentence. Voltage threw his strong arms around me and pulled me into a hug, trying to comfort me. He chest was so close to mine that I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable or I would say, shy...  Do humans often feels this when they're in this kind of situation?

"Alright don't worry, I'm sure prof gonna fix him by tomorrow." He softly comb my yellow hair with his fingers.

"I don't think so children...  His body really is in a huge damage. I may take more times than you'd have expected me to. I will also need some other spare component for his core and charge plot that of course going to take lots of time to get them. He's probably be as a new one after about a week or so." Professor Jarel said, pushing his glasses up to his nose. I looked at Voltage and we exchanged glances. He pulled me closer to him and I could feel something warm on my cheek. Blush?

"Sis.... I'm s-sleepy..." I turned around at Scatter who was rubbing her eyes and started to yawn slowly. For heaven's sake, thanks goodness, I could get away from Voltage. I quickly push Voltage away and walked to Scatter.
"Alright, Scat...  Let's go back to your room, and I'll go back to mine. I'm also sleepy though..." I smiled as I took her hand and walked out from the laboratory, leaving Voltage alone with Professor Jarel and Inferno. I saw that Voltage was looking at me like I was something weird or whatever.


"I didn't put 'feelings' in you guys for that." Professor Jarel squinted his eyes at Voltage who was still staring at the laboratory's doubled door.

"Well, that new update really makes me feel like I wanna touch her." the answer from Voltage's mouth was an honest one. Professor Jarel look at Voltage.

"You know that I wouldn't allow you to. If you dare, I'll shut down your system permanently." Professor Jarel said in serious tone.

"Nah..  I'm joking." Voltage said as he walk towards the laboratory's door.

"Well, I'm suppose that you're understand my words earlier." Professor Jarel said again as he started to write something one a paper, probably about Inferno's condition or something.

Voltage didn't say anything and just nodded his head as he exit the laboratory.


"Sis...  I have a question." Scatter said, holding my arm in her hands.

"Yea what is it?" I looked at my little sister and raised an eyebrow.

"After the update, we could feel just like human does. So I wanna ask you, what did you feel when Voltage held you that close to his body?" Scatter asked with a blank face. She didn't even felt guilt for asking me that kind of question.

"None of your business." I said coldly. "Now go into your room and sleep." I said as I leave her alone at the corridor and entered my room. I closed the door behind me and inhale deeply. My cheeks were getting warmer and my body slightly shivers.

Oh my God, what was that feeling...?  What was all that about...  I lazily climb into my bed. As my head hit the fluffy pillow, my mind turn blank and I was washed away by the tiredness and sleepiness.


A/N : uhm... So... That's it... For this week...  Haha sorry, i'm not good in writing. I'm just 13 :/ and english isn't my mother tongue.  Well anyway thanks for reading. I'm hoping you enjoyed reading this XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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