Chapter 9

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Sitting in the corner of Lori's bedroom was a man she recognized from somewhere...

But then it suddenly hit her.

Uncle Mark... Megatron.

"Oh shit!" Lori shrieked as she stumbled back, but Megatron grabbed her and pulled her away from the door as he shut it.

"Easy there, my dear Lori" Megatron hissed. "I only wish to talk since we didn't get to earlier. Now, calm everyone out there or this house will be blown up. I'll speak to you one way or another, and it's entirely up to you."

"You okay in there, Lori?" Bumblebee asked. Megatron lifted a brow, waiting for her to act.

"Motherfucker..." Lori whispered before answering Bumblebee. "I'm fine! I just saw a rat scurry across my floor and over-reacted. I'll be out in a few minutes!"

"Okay..." Bumblebee said, sounding unsure. Megatron smiled and gestured for her to sit down.

"So what do you want?" Lori asked softly as she sat on the foot of her bed.

"I technically want you," Megatron answered as he stood in front of her dominantly, "but that causes too much unneeded drama. So to make up for that now, I want to know how you function. How you came to be. I want to know your limits. That's just naming a few things I want from you."

"I don't know that myself," Lori replied with an exasperated sigh. "I only just figured out I'm half Cybertronian! How the hell would I know how I work already?"

"I always get what I want," Megatron hissed, stepping closer to Lori. "I'm sure you're already tired of being attacked by my subordinates. How about we strike up a deal? One only between you and me."

"If anything involves your hands on me, there won't be a deal, you creep," Lori growled.

"Not what I had in mind," Megatron muttered with a smirk. "Although, if you want to go that path, you need only ask."

"Oh, hell no!" Lori snapped quietly. "I have a boyfriend, thank you very much."

"That never stopped my previous partners," Megatron said with a shrug.

"Just propose your damn deal and leave me the hell alone!" Lori hissed.

"If you insist," Megatron said with a dark chuckle. "You must secretly meet me with information on yourself. I want answers to all my previous questions; this seems to be the only peaceful way to get what I want. If not, I can always go back to ordering attacks on you. No one else must know of this, obviously."

"I can't just text you?" Lori asked. "There's no way I'll be able to be sneaky. In fact, I know I'll be facing double wrath from Optimus and Ratchet for sneaking here in the first place!"

"I'm not much of a texter," Megatron replied. "But don't worry about Prime and his medic, I'm sure you have them wrapped around your pretty little finger. Besides, you don't always have to come to me, I could also come to you."

"Dammit..." Lori snarled, growing nervous at the familiar hungry glimmer forming in his holoform's eyes.

"So what do you decide?" Megatron demanded.

"Either my house gets blown up, or I spill my guts on how I work..." Lori trailed off, feeling sick. "I obviously don't have any choice other than option two."

"Good girl," Megatron said. "If you keep behaving I might just reward you."

"I'll pass on the rewards," Lori said quickly and nervously.

"You say that now, but I'm sure I can change your mind," Megatron replied. "Now, I have other business to attend to. Find me some answers in the meantime, as you won't like it if I'm disappointed. I'll be in touch." With that, his holoform flickered away. Lori staggered out of her room, paled and shaking.

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