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((A/N: Welcome to a cute LuciMano fanfic! Just so you know, in this fic Luciano is a cross dresser. There's a picture of him below. Anyways, enjoy~!))

The Luce Scura Academy

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The Luce Scura Academy. A very prosperous college full of intelligent, hard working students in search of good grades for good, well-paying jobs.

Luciano Vargas, aged seventeen, had been accepted into this college a few weeks ago to study for a Masters Degree in Biology and Floristry. He'd always had such a huge interest in flowers and decided he wanted to be the world's best Florist, and maybe even explore other parts of the world to find new species of flowers. He was into flowers and plants so much that in high school he'd been given the nickname 'Ragazzo dei Fiore' which simply meant 'Boy of Flowers'.

His brother Flavio was ecstatic that he had been accepted into such a high class college and had thrown a party a few days before he had to leave.
The college was situated quite far away from his home and he actually had to go on an aeroplane to get there.
And that is where the story begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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