a chainshipping AU fanfic

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It was getting late, the perfect time to do what i was paid to do, which was to take pictures. This was not a normal photoshoot, but one that I have learned to be very sneaky about. I was paid to take pictures of a man named Lawrence Gordon. The person who paid me to do this never gave his name or why he needed these pictures of Lawrence, but money is money and I desperately need it. This is my only job, so I have to do it to pay my bills and my rent, and it's a very good thing that I'm very good at this.

I grab my camera equipment and head out. I lock my door and walk down and out of my apartment complex and into the city. The mystery man who paid me to do this gave me a location that he has seen Lawrence go to quite often, so I make my way to a place close to there and set up my equipment.

Ten minutes pass and I finally see Lawrence. I ended up closer to him but that's better for me so I can get a better picture of him. I get my camera and get ready to take the picture. I take the shot and my heart sinks. I forgot to turn the flash off. I look at the picture quickly and I see that Lawrence was looking right at the camera. I look up and I see him standing right in front of me. Next thing I see is black.

~ ~ ~ ~

I spring awake. "That was one heck of a dream..." I start to say, but then I look around. I'm not in my apartment. I try to get up but I can't move. I look down and see that I'm tied to a chair.

"Well, look who's finally awake." I hear a voice from behind me. I quickly turn my head to see who was with me. My heart rate quickens, it was Lawrence Gordon.

"What have you done to me? Why am I tied to a chair?" I stammer as I try to wiggle myself out of the rope.

"Well, I knocked you out, carried you here, and tied you to a chair. Don't worry, i haven't drugged you or anything like that." Lawrence told me in a calm tone. It was almost scary how calm his voice was.

"If this is because of the pictures-" I'm cut off to Lawrence turning and walking towards me.

"Why do you think it's ok to take pictures of strangers like that?" Lawrence asked me as he was two inches away from my face at this point. I was trying my hardest to not lose my cool.

"I do it for money, I got paid to do it. It's the only way I am able to pay my rent." I say back to him, trying not to stutter as i talk.

I could see Lawrence was confused. He walked away from me, but still kept his eyes on me. I don't know why he was still looking at me, i can't go anywhere.

He stopped and just looked at me dead in the eyes "Who would want you to take pictures of me?"

I shook my head " The person never gave me his name. He never even gave me the reason why he wanted photos of you. He just gave me a place that he knows you go to a lot and gave me the money and then, poof, vanished."

Lawrence sighed and began pacing. He looked stressed.

"I haven't done anything wrong, never. Hell my wife left me for another man, so nothing was my fault in any of that."

Lawrence was obviously worried at this point "If anything you are the one doing something wrong, uhm..." he looked at me.

Oh that's right, he doesn't know my name.

"The name's Adam." I told him. He nodded his head.

"Well if you don't know who sent you to take pictures of me and you never got the reason as to why, then why did you do it? He could have been trying to get you caught by the police." Lawrence told me.

I looked at him in the eyes, I was getting annoyed at this point "I told you, I needed the money. Plus I've been doing this for years, I know how to not get caught..." I trailed off

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