Bittersweet surprise(1/3)

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(Y/N)'s POV

Randy was planning a surprise. That is all I knew. Ten years down the road, and I have never been so excited to see what was planned. It was our anniversary, so most likely had something to do with that. But little did he know I had one as well. I patted my three weeks pregnant tummy. "Soon, baby. He'll know soon." I turned around and headed to the apartment. Opening the door to our shared apartment, I walked in slowly, seeing the beautiful thornless rose sitting next to a letter on the table next to the door. "Awww...." My cheeks reddened. I picked it up, and smelled the beautiful red rose. Setting it back down with care I picked up the letter,

To my beautiful gal, I have set out a list of beautiful things to do on this special day. Start out by going and buying the best outfit, your heart desires. But make it from (Fav. Clothes Store).
~Love, Randy.

I looked back down and there layed a hundred dollar bill.

"O...Kay...." I muttered before grabbing the bill and putting it in my pocket.


"Ms. (L/N)!" I male worker ran out after me as I walked out of the store.

"Yes........?" I turned slowly to face him.

"Here." He smiled handing me another letter.

"Thank you!" I smiled brightly taking it gently from his grasp.

Woah. You look stunning! And I haven't even seen you yet! I can't wait to see your face when you get to the next place in mind. Remember Prom night? Oh how I was such a mess! Please go to the place it was at.

THIS Is Love. (Sequel to Not THAT Dangerous) Randy x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora