Chapter 1

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I stared out the glossy ivory brandished windows down at the shiny black rectangle that was the school's tennis court. A familiar blonde boy with a firm stature was Kuwano Teno... My love interest...  I will do it today! Today I'll confess! I thought as I placed my already prepared love letter in Kuwano's desk. I leaned back in my seat and declared "I DID IT!" before going back to watching and waiting for the afternoon. 


At the back of the school building, I stood waiting for Kuwano to come. The light spring breeze blowing through my hair. Around the corner, Kuwano walked towards me a solemn look on his face. "I got your letter, Mitsuhara-chan... and I'll have to apologise... For I'm going to have to reject you..." Huh?! I thought, the beginning of tears forming in my eyes "I only... like guys..."



I lay on my bed that night, the tears streaming from my face "why... Kuwano... kun..." I sobbed into my pillow If only he could love me, I don't care what the price is... I closed my eyes and began to sleep, dreaming of Kuwano kissing me. 


"Mgh?" I sat up and wiped my eyes "I must of... fallen... asleep..." I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower... "huh?" I looked down, w-why did I-I have a p-p-... My body... 


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