Ninjago fanfiction:Love again

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On a quiet spring day a auburn haired boy sat on a rock. Alone. Out on the edge of a pond. Although he is talkative he treasures any alone time to think to himself. The overlord was truly defeated now, Zane had Pixal. Although Nya lucked out... Cole and Jay agreed to stop fighting and neither of them got to date Nya.

Jay still loved her. He never loved a girl the same way he loved Nya. Her gentle black locks. Her chocolate eyes. He kept his promise though. He would never brake a promise. Ever.

As much as he wanted to push out his feelings for her. He couldn't. Every time he is close to her his heart starts to pound. He can't even sit across the table from her.

'How can Cole push those feelings out so easily' Jay thought to himself

He sighed and watched the wind pick up some cherry blossoms from a tree and lay them into the water.

As the blue ninja stood up from his place and began to walk he noticed something. On the other side of the lake was a girl gowned in a red dress...


Although his self restraint was strong his will was stronger. Jay went over to Nya. When he got over there she had not noticed him. Jay quietly sat next to Nya who was staring down into the pond. Jay looked as well to see what she was so wondered about.

Colored fish of yellow, gold, orange and red swam around.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Nya said startling Jay at first.

"Y-yeah t-they a-a-are ar-aren't they" said Jay 'why am I stuttering! Pull it together' he thought to himself

But he couldn't help it. Jay stared at at Nya's delicate smile that grazed upon her lips.

Next thing he knows is his heart is thumping. He missed her. He missed everything about her

Nya looked at him every so often. She thought to herself 'I miss him. I miss his laugh. I just miss everything.'

Nya let out a little stifle of a cry.

Of course Jay caught that in a split second.

"Nya is something wrong" he asked

Nya leapt into his arms and started to cry.

Jay closed his arms around her back and leaned his head kinda on her shoulder.


"I'm sorry Jay... I'm sorry... Maybe if.... I had made a better choices I would still be with you. You probably don't even miss me. I'm so terri-"

Nya was cut short when Jay said "I missed you Nya. I still miss you."

As they backed away from the hug they stared into each others eyes.

Blue into brown.

Chocolate into electricity.

"You really mean that"

"I do mean that, how could I forget a beautiful girl like you"

Silence filled the area. The only thing you could hear is the gentle splashing when a fish was near the surface of the water.

The sun started to set.

As they gazed into each others eyes more they almost became sync.

They both went for each other.

They locked into a kiss, hugging one another.

It felt as if years had passed between the two lovers.

It felt as if it was just them.

In a big world.


With no worries.

Nothing more.

As they unhooked the kiss they gazed off. Both of their cheeks had turned deep crimson. They quickly stood up and brushed off their clothing.

Love had powered over them

They locked their hands together.

And walked back home.


Little did they know that not that far away was a shaggy black haired man standing on a deck watching they two.

When they kissed.

He smiled.

He wanted this to happen more then anything.

Watching his friend be the way he was broke his heart.

Cole wanted them to be with each other again.

"So your not upset" Kai said. he had saw the two walk into the house holding hands. he also noticed that there was some blush fading. Kai could only guess that cole had saw judging on his location.

"I'm not upset. She was never really mine in the first place. A machine matched me up with her. It would have never been true love in the first place"

He looked up at the sky that was turning various shades of colors

"Maybe some day I will find love that's real. not made by a machine but a love that I find... That day will come"

Kai puts his hand on Coles shoulder

"Your a good guy cole. The time will come soon" a gentle smile formed across his lips. the red ninja left the black ninja alone

Cole smiled bigger and closed his eyes.

'Yes... Some day...'

Ninjago fanfiction:Love againWhere stories live. Discover now