Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Nico had never been happier. Percy was just amazing in every way. He just never let him know that.
Keeping their relationship secret had made it even more exciting. Well, Percy had told Jason out of pure smugness, but to be honest, Nico didn't have anyone to tell. He didn't mind though. He had a green- eyed idiot all to himself.
He met Percy outside the school library, and they very casually walked side by side.
"Good night sleep?"
Nico smirked, "fine."
"Good lessons today?" Percy snorted.
This was their idea of a joke; casual talk. He was pretty sure they were both remembering their snogging session last night.
"This is ridiculous." Percy laughed.
"I know." He said, also laughing.
Their laughing was cut short by Annabeth blocking their way.
"What?" Percy said rather rudely.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No need to be so rude, Jackson. I just wanted to know if you two wanted to be in mine and Piper's Secret Santa this year."
Nico blinked. "Me too?"
Annabeth shrugged. "If you want."
Percy and Nico exchanged a glance.
"Sure, we'll do it."
"Fine. We have form, Percy."
And with that, she turned and walked away.
"See you." Percy said.
Nico nodded and watched Percy jog after her.
Nico sighed. He wished he was older, then he could see Percy more. Oh well. He did have form also.

Today was the lunch that he sat by himself. He got his food and settled down at his usual table, but before he could start eating, he heard someone call his name.
"Nico! Get over here!"
He looked round for the source of the voice. There. At the table that Percy's friends sit. A dark skinned girl with curly hair was waving at him. Nico frowned. That was Hazel, a sweet girl in the year below that was dating Frank. He picked up his plate and walked over to her.
"What is it?" He asked skeptically.
"We're drawing the Secret Santa names!" She said excitedly, and she moved across so he had room to squish in. He glanced at Percy, who was smiling, then payed attention to Piper, who had a hat in her hands.
"Okay, you know the drill. You have to spend about twenty pounds only, and if you pull your own name out of the hat, just put it back. No swapping or telling people who you have, got it? Cool."
Piper took a name out of the hat, glanced at it, then passed the hat on. Some people smiled when they saw who they had, others remained impassive. Percy shrugged when he saw his paper. When the hat got to Nico, he just picked any random one.
Well shit.


Percy couldn't believe his luck. He glanced again at his piece of paper.
He was pretty sure he smiled the rest of the day, even when he got two hours worth of homework.
When he got home he called Nico straight away.
"So who's your Secret Santa?"
"You know, it's not called Secret Santa for nothing!" Percy could practically hear Nico's eye roll.
"Aww come on! I'll tell you mine!"
And to prove his point, he hang up.
He wasn't mad though. He had told him yesterday about a big party hosted by the Stoll brothers this weekend, and Percy was planning on Nico being his date. People needed to know.
He spent the whole night in front of the computer, alternating between homework and stupid games like Bubble Shooter.
The next day, Friday, the whole sixth form was talking about the Stoll's party. People at his school didn't really care about age, and the forms were all a mixture of year groups. Yes, his school was weird, but without it, he would never of gotten the pleasure of sitting next to Clarisse La Rue. Note the sarcasm.
She was a year older than him, but had been held back for a year because she preferred to beat people up rather than revise. She was slightly shorter than him, but just as wide, which was pretty impressive. She had a no- tolerance attitude, so much so that she gave Coach Hedge a run for his money. She had punched Jason once when he refused letting her onto the rugby team, and Jason, needless to say, had a black eye for two weeks.
He had started playing a game with Leo, who was forced to sit on her other side, called 'who can annoy Clarisse the most without being hit'. Leo was winning 2-1, which was unacceptable.
Percy dropped into his chair, and then wrapped an arm around Clarisse's broad shoulders.
"Heeeeey darlin'! How cha doooin'?"
Clarisse shoved him of and glared at him.
"Fuck off, Jackson."
Percy fake- pouted. "I thought we were BFF's! YOU LIED TO ME!"
He had stood and pointed at her, after shouting that last bit.
"Sit down, Percy." Mr Brunner, his form and English teacher, was used to his attempts at pissing Clarisse off. Smirking to himself, he sat down again and gave Clarisse a little wave and a wink. Clarisse raised her arm, and for a second he thought he had lost again, but then Mr Brunner said:
"Thank you, Clarisse. I would prefer that Percy stay in one piece."
Thank The Lord for Mr Brunner. I grinned at a sour- looking Leo.
Percy picked Nico up from his foster house at 9:00. He had borrowed his mum's car after promising to be home by three. Not bad, considering his mum was a massive worrier.
Nico clambered into the passenger seat, and Percy couldn't help but notice how hot he looked. He wore black skinny jeans and a tight skull t- shirt. He also wore black converses and a leather jacket. Percy himself was wearing his nicest jeans and green short- sleeved shirt. He lent over and kissed Nico for a second, but Nico moved back.
"Haven't we got a party to attend?" Nico smirked.
He shrugged. "Maaaaaaybe."
Nico grinned then clapped. "Get going then."
It wasn't far to the Stoll's. The party had already started and Percy had to park a couple of streets away. He didn't mind, though. That meant walking hand- in- hand with Nico.
"You scared?" He asked.
"Yeah. What if they, y'know, don't like us for it?"
Percy bit his lip. "They're good people. And who cares what they think?"
Nico squeezed his hand harder, but then let go as they walked round the side of the house to the garden, where the party was based. The Stoll's had a marque and a massive stereo system set out, and lots of people were milling around in groups. Percy spotted Jason's blond hair over the top of the crowd, and made his way in that direction, picking up him and Nico a drink on the way. Jason smiled and winked when he saw Nico with him, so Percy glared back.
"Hi, Percy. Nico." Frank didn't greet Nico as kindly as he did Percy. Percy glared at him too, much to Frank's confusion.
"Didn't know you were coming, Nico. I didn't have you down to a partier." Piper joked with Nico.
Jason started coughing, but he stopped when Percy stumped on his foot.
"I... Uh... Figured a party couldn't hurt. I've been working hard, y'know, I've got my GCSE's this year." Nico seemed uncomfortable.
"Oh really! What are you taking?" Piper really was trying her best to be friendly.
"Uh..." Nico looked like he was about to curl up into a ball.
"Doesn't matter. Anyway, Piper, since when are you interested in education?" Percy came to Nico's rescue.
Piper glared. "No need to be so rude, Jackson. We all know you struggle to count to ten."
He opened his mouth to retort, but everyone had started laughing. Even Nico was smiling.
"Traitor." Percy tried to sound offended, but he too was smiling.
"So, guys, who do you think I should get off with?" Leo said light heartedly.
"The floor." Jason said.
"A tree." Frank said.
"The wall." Annabeth said.
"Your imaginary friend." Percy got in his dig.
"Seriously guys, that's rude." Leo stuck out his bottom lip.
"Aww, Is poor ickle Leo all alone?" Hazel messed up his hair.
"Oi! I'm taller than you! And I thought you were nice! And FYI, Percy is single too!"
Jesus, Leo, way to go say the exact wrong thing.
Jason coughed really loudly this time.
"What?" Annabeth frowned, "d'you have a girlfriend?"
"No." Well, that was true.
Jason was openly laughing now. Annabeth frowned more. "D'you have a... boyfriend?"
He could literally feel himself going red. He cleared his throat, "uh..."
"Oh. My. God." Annabeth was now glancing from Percy to Nico.
"What? What?" Leo looked really confused. Frank was frowning, Hazel and Piper were both standing open- mouthed. Jason was trying to look surprised. Nico was slowly backing away.
"You and... Nico?" Annabeth asked.
Percy stood up as tall as he could.
"Yes. Me and Nico. Me and Nico are going out."
Silence followed. They all must of looked really weird just standing there not saying anything, because Reyna, a good friend of Jason's, walked over.
"You guys okay? You look weird."
"Thank you. And yes, we're fine." Jason said coolly.
"Oh. Okay. Have you seen Dakota anywhere? I don't want him drinking too much again...." Reyna left when she saw it was obvious they didn't care.
Then, something Percy didn't expect happened. Leo started laughing. He obviously thought they were joking.
"Ha! Very funny, Jackson! Do you think I could be fooled so easily?"
Nico spoke for the first time in ages. "He's not joking!"
Leo stopped laughing but still looked skeptical. "He's not?"
Both he and Nico shook their heads.
"Well, okay. That's fine. Thank you for telling us." Hazel looked really embarrassed.
Percy smiled at her. Frank and Leo nodded to show their acceptance. Piper wheeled on Jason.
"You knew!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, I did." He said blandly.
"You didn't tell me!"
"No, I didn't."
"You're a good friend." She turned back to him. "That's completely fine and I think you two are really cute."
"Uh, thanks?" Nico blushed.
Annabeth, who had remained uncharacteristically quite, turned and ran off.
"What?" Percy didn't understand why she left.
"Leave her." Piper said quickly.
"If she has a prob-" He started.
"Leave her." Piper and Hazel said this time. He closed his mouth, but was still pissed off. How dare she think low on Nico and him! The rest of the party was pretty boring, but Percy couldn't help but notice that Annabeth didn't come back from wherever she had run off to for the rest of the night.

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