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Raven's POV
I woke up and got dressed in my uniform. Then I washed my face, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on my gear. I walked out of my room and walked to HQ. I saw Levi standing there directing the other troops. "Tch, get to your damn place yamikawa." Levi ordered. "Okay, okay damn." I muttered and got to my place and got in position. Today we were doing hard training. I stayed up all night training because I gave Levi attitude. He says I have an "attitude problem" which I honestly think is complete bullshit. He loves to torture me. Don't know why, don't care. "Hey yami! What's up?" Armin asked walking up to me. "Nothing, now shh Levi will be pissed if he sees us talking during his lesson." I whispered. "YAMIKAWA! JUST FOR THAT YOURE SPARRING WITH ME TODAY!" Levi yelled. "this should be fun." I said with a smirk. "Tch. Let's go." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes. I'm the only one that's ever stood up to him. I got in my position. We circled each other. Levi was the first to attack. He tried to knock me off my feet but I dodged him and hit the back of his head, not hard enough to knock him out or anything but hard enough to hurt him. He tried to kick my head but I ducked it before he could and I swept his legs out from under him. I tried to pin him down. He got me off of him surprisingly and pinned me down. He walked away thinking he won. I hooked him in the back of the leg, and he fell back. I leaned down to where his ear was. "Never let your guard down, captain."  I said with a smirk before getting up and leaving. He tried to hit me in the back of the head but my instinct kicked in and I caught his hand and twisted his arm behind his back. "Also, never turn your back on your enemy, my mistake." I said before walking into the crowd of troops around us watching in amazement. "What. You guys have never seen a girl fight before?" I asked a bit harshly. They stayed quiet and looked down. "Are we done here?" I asked Levi. "Tch. Yes, damn brat." Levi said rolling his eyes. You could tell he wanted to smile. "Can I leave?" I asked. "No." He said stubbornly. "Why?" I asked. I'm also the first to question him. "Because I said." He said. "Yeah well, I don't follow anyone else's rules but my own. Bye." I said smirking, turning around and walking the other way. "If you leave now you'll be kicked out of the survey corps!" Levi said. "I'm the best fighter here. You need me. I don't play games Levi." I said. "Tch. Damn brat. Stay here, or else." He said. "Or else what?" I challenged stepping up to him and looking him in the eyes. "Or else you'll be cleaning the whole damn castle." He said. "Whatever." I said walking away. I walked to my room and started drawing. I drew a picture of armin. I remembered the image so clearly. We were fighting a titan and he got really mad for some reason. He finally put all his anger into it and he attacked the titan. I was proud. Very proud.

I finished the drawing and stood up looking at my artwork

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I finished the drawing and stood up looking at my artwork. I nodded in approval and walked out to where armin was in the cafeteria. "Armin, I drew this for you." I said handing it to him. His eyes widened. "Wow. This is beautiful! Thank you so much!" He said hugging me. I don't like being touched but, it's armin, so I allowed it. Only this time. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Yes, very. "No, I'm good." I said. He nodded smiling, so pure and innocent, unfortunately I've never been like armin. "Hey! Yamikawa!" Levi called. I walked over to him. He handed me cleaning supplies. "What the hell do you want me to do with this?" I asked. "Tch. clean, idiot." He said. I rolled my eyes. A few hours later I finished cleaning. I walked back to my room and showered, then I put on pajamas. I fell asleep to the sound of crickets chirping away.

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