Parker Adams

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Name: Parker Adams
Gender: Male
Age: usually 17-25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: He likes working at GPS, and also likes Faceless (this happens later in the story "Faceless"). He likes a lot of sweets, and likes...really a lot of things.
Dislikes: he doesn't like gore or horror movies, it really kills his mood and makes him very bored since he knows it's all fake. Because he knows it's fake, he doesn't get the thrills everyone else does.
Persona: he's a usually chill and happy guy, he's obedient like Faceless, but not really at the same time. He can tell hoe someone is feeling by the way their eyebrows look, and is very self-awards because if his job.
Backstory: it's best you find out since it also lays into Faceless' backstory.
Other: he's an elite hacker in the GPS organization.

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