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hey y'all, I'll have 5 letters up and published tomorrow. I've been focusing a lot on my grades lately and school. you'll probably notice I'm always tired as hell. I'm a really sociable person, but it drains out my mind a lot (yes, I'm an empath. no, I can't do weird shit. I just sense emotions and shit and can see people's auras.). anyways, yea, I'm always tired. not fun. also, I'm sorry for all the cussing in this A/N. when I'm in a cranky, tired mood I cuss like every two seconds. I try to limit that on here because in case if younger ones are reading (why are you reading a book that's mature. y'all better at least be 14.) and it looks more professional when you're not cussing in stuff. alright, I'm gonna sleep now (no I'm not) so that I'm well rested (liESSS) for tomorrow.

also, I just wanna thank y'all for the amount of attention this story has been getting. y'all are the best. I love each and every single one of my readers. :)

follow me on IG @ megan.luvv


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