Chapter 11: I've Been Watching You

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A/N: Still not tired of the positive feedback. Thanks so much guys.

Singer of the previous chapter: Weird Al Yankovic.

All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Covered under Section 107 and Satire/Parody Clause of US Copyright Law.

Chapter 11: I've Been Watching You

"Please tell me you're not gonna do it."

"It wouldn't be me if I didn't!"

"You know they won't let that slide, right? It's an official document! One that's supposed to make or break your career!"

"I'm still doing it! Besides, I got just the right way to do it. I worked for hours on it, believe it!"

I shrugged. "Whatever, bro. It's your fault if they make you redo it because you look like an idiot painted your face...oh wait."

Naruto punched my arm indignantly. "Shut up, Riku!"

I just laughed. "Am I wrong? Remind me again who was the bottom of the class the whole time we were in the Academy?" He just grumbled and pouted, making me laugh some more.

Even though it had been a couple of days since we graduated, team selections weren't for another week. This was to give those who graduated a chance to rest up before going into duty. Because Naruto and I were late graduates, we had to use that rest time to fill out the necessary documents with Iruka to make sure we could be officially recognized as ninja. That included getting our pictures taken for our profiles. Naruto was still going to paint his face and scowl, regardless of my attempts to stop him. As for me...

"You want me to take you picture like that?" the photographer asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, there's no problem with it, is there? If you want, I can be like Naruto, but flip off the camera instead."

The poor guy just shook his head and readied his equipment. "Whatever, kid. Okay, say 'cheese!'"

I just had a hard glare on my face with a sharp, American military salute as the camera clicked.


The Hokage stared at the two photos before him and an exasperated, yet critical eye. Naruto sat next to me, still rambling about how long it took to get the pose right.

"Take it again, Naruto," the Hokage deadpanned.

Naruto fell over in surprise. "No way!"

The Hokage sighed. "We can't accept this photo."

"Yeah? Well I'm not doing it again!" The two of them had a staredown for all of ten seconds before Naruto put his hands into a seal. "Transform!" In a poof of smoke, the girl was back, just as curved and naked as the day before graduation. "Pretty please, Lord Hokage~?"

Hiruzen stared, then shot backwards to floor from the force of his nosebleed, knocking himself out.

"Dang, Naruto," I whistled. "I didn't think the Hokage's kinks were that obvious." Naruto had transformed back and just stared at his surrogate grandfather's unconscious form, unsure what to think at the moment.

A minute later, the Hokage was back in his chair, wiping his nose. "That's your Sexy Jutsu, you say? Very tricky. Much too tricky. Don't do it again." Naruto just scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "And where is your headband, Naruto? You're supposed to be wearing it."

"Oh, I'm not wearing it till the orientation. I don't wanna mess it up." Meanwhile, I had my new headband in its proper spot, across my forehead in a way to keep my bangs out of my face.

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