Chapter One

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This is a GREY'S ANATOMY story retelling. 
  Meredith and Derek meet unwillingly in the stair well, Meredith shoots a 'got to hell look' in his direction when he devilishly smiles and says something Meredith will hardly forgive him for. Before he can open his mouth Meredith pronounced, "I should have never told you about Gorge."
  "No it's fine. I'm glad I know about him and the vet. You really get around."
  "What did you just say to me." Those were the unforgivable words Meredith hoped would never come out of Derek's mouth. She loved him so much in that very moment she wanted him dead. That every breath she took was now devoted to make sure he knew how much he hurt her and how much he then lost. How much she lost of herself and how she planned to grow without him.
  "It's unforgivable," he smiled in dread, "Was the knitting a phase? Who's next? Alex? 'Cause I here he likes to sleep around. You two have that in common." Derek then knew that what he just said hurt Meredith in a way he never hoped to, but he didn't care because of how he was hurt, when she did not no longer smile every time she saw him or how when the mutual feelings of butterflies aroused  in the elevator.
  "No, you don't get to call me a whore. When I met you I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done, so all the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was DONE!  You- YOU left me! You chose Addison! I'm all glued back to gather now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore."
  "This thing with us is finished. It's over," he was traumatized that maybe he just screwed up the one good thing that's happened to him in a long time.
  "Finally," Meredith was also traumatized also, but that she wasn't done, she'll never be done calling him 'Mc Dreamy' and stewing over his eyes or the way his hair looks when he turns around.
  "Yeah, it's done,"
  "It is done," 
  As if in a mutual decision Meredith walked out the stair well through the door and into the busy hospital where her day returned to normal, except it wasn't normal it now was not blessed by unacceptable look exchanges from across the OR and she won't ever be forced with butterflies in the elevator again. Derek walked up the stairs to complete his day which he was a different man than the guy who married the red headed rich girl from college or the guy who walked in on her sleeping with his best friend. He was now the guy heartbroken over his unfortunate mistress who he will see everyday and not be able to touch her soft pale skin, or to smell her lavender scented hair. They were both changed, and didn't understand why.

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