No Matter What

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Copyright © 2012 Alexis Long

All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT: This story, "No Matter What" including all chapters, prolouges/epilouges, and accociated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers, and content within blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act 1988.All rights are reserved by the creator and owner of this work (AR Long) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright.  Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.    

Chapter one

Kevin’s P.O.V.

An obnoxious beeping sound distracted me from my homework. I looked down at my phone. On the screen, it read, “One new message from: Molly”. 

Molly Brook was my girlfriend of three years.  We were high school sweethearts for two years. Then we graduated in 2005, and now, a year later, we were more in love than ever. 

I pushed a button on the phone, and it opened. The message read, “Kevin, where are you?? Did you forget about dinner and a movie??”  I cursed, dropping the phone back on the desk and running to my closet to get ready. After I put fresh clothes on, I quickly texted her, saying I would be there in ten. 

I entered the diner we always went to, Hal’s, searching the booths for her blonde curly hair. Once my eyes found her, I jogged to her and sat down. 

“Took you long enough, Jerk.” She laughed.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me?” 

“Hm… Maybe. Just depends on how the rest of the night goes.” She grinned at me. 

I gave her a half smile. 

She had left her hair down tonight, and her blonde waves fell just below her shoulders. She added mascara and eyeliner around her blue eyes, making them “pop”. And her soft pink lips looked perfect. She looked perfect.

“You look beautiful, Mol.” I told her truthfully.

Her cheeks turned scarlet. “Thank you.”

The waiter came, and we ordered our food. 

“We need to hurry, or else we’re going to miss the movie.” Molly said, and I could hear a hint of worry in her voice. 

I nodded. “Can we get a to-go box?” I called out to the waiter.

A couple hours later, we were leaving the movie theatre. 

“That was a good one,” Molly said. 

“I thought so too.” I told her, wrapping my arm around her waist. 

“Do you want to get a cab or walk?” She asked me. We didn’t live too far from the theatre, maybe a mile.

“How about we walk tonight?” It was pitch black out besides the city lights. The moon was almost nonexistent. 

Once we had been walking for a while, I turned to face her. “I love you, Mol.”

“I love you too, Kevin.”

“No. We’ve always said that we love each other, but Molly, I’m in love with you.” I gulped, waiting for her reply. 

“Oh God, Kevin, I’m in love with you too!” She hugged me tightly. My body felt warm and tingly. The girl of my dreams just told me that she was in love with me. 

Then I heard laughing. I let go of her and looked behind us. There was a man leaning against the wall, laughing at us. “That’s so pathetic.” 

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