Chapter 2

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I woke in my bed to the sound of someone knocking. Sleepily I sat up. "Enter," I called to the general direction of the door, my mind still in the magic carpet ride.

Just a dream after all. Disappointing.

My breath caught in my throat as my fingers met coarse cloth. I never donned anything but the softest materials fit for a prince. This was...Sinbad's cape. I was still wearing the cape from my dream. Which meant...last night had been real.

And I really had locked the door to my room.

I quickly hid the cape under my bed and hurried to see who wanted to see me this early in the morning.

The moment I opened the door an old man still as strong as a bear captured me in a crushing hug. As unusual as that was, he was also wearing only a night robe. I had not seen him in anything less than garb fully fit for a sultan since I had been little.

"Father," I managed to choke out with all air being squeezed out of my lungs.

He let go, his face showing even rarer emotions in contrast to the stern father I was used to. "You are alright...My dear son."

"I...Of course I am. Why would I not be?"

"I was told you had locked yourself in your room alone. And with a possible assassin prowling the palace no less. Promise me that you will allow a guard to accompany you at all times from now on."

This was embarrassing. I had hoped father would pay a little more attention to me instead of always my older brother, but really...not like this. "Father, I don't like someone always following me. Nothing happened."

Unfortunately father would not listen to my protests in this matter. So the entire day, wherever in the palace grounds I went, I had an additional guard staying close to me. An old, boring guard who made sure not to talk to me except to briefly answer any questions I asked. Wish father had not been so strict on me not socializing with commoners.

I was glad when the night finally fell. The man guarding me at least had the courtesy to stay outside my door. He only informed me that there would be someone keeping watch while I slept. I could only hope he meant in the hallway, since I was very much planning to take Sinbad's cape out of its hiding place and dream of that magical night.

I shrugged off the fancy long coat I always wore outside my room and folded it neatly on top of the large drawer in my room, followed by the shirt under it.

Someone opened and closed the door. I noted from the corner of my eye that it was one of the palace guards by uniform. Apparently I'd have to spell it out that I wanted to be alone.

"I do not need anyone to watch over me while I sleep," I informed him in flat tone.

"I know. But do you want it?"

Couldn't be...I just stood there, too afraid to look or give voice to the small fluttering feeling in my chest.

"You know...I had to make sure what's going on. Since you did kiss me and then promptly fell asleep." There was a very awkward pause. "Just say it meant nothing and I'll disappear from your life forever."

"...I won't." I had never really thought that love at first sight actually existed beyond stories young women swooned over. And still, here I was, unable to move, unable to think of anything else than wanting him not to leave.

He walked up to me silently and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Father will be furious if I disappear again," I murmured as I leaned back against his strong body. No, perhaps not furious. It just felt too strange to put to words those emotions I had seen on his face.

"You don't need to disappear," Sinbad spoke softly to my ear. "The next guard switch won't be until morning. Nobody will suspect anything is amiss."

That was a nice thought. I tilted my head a little to look at him. "Would you kiss me again then?"

He chuckled. "I never thought I'd hear a prince ask for anything."

I dug my fingernails into my palms. There had never been any point in asking. I could order servants or guards around in minor things, but whether I asked or commanded on anything that actually mattered, the reply was the same. The sultan had forbidden it.

"I'm sorry I'm not like my brother!" I snapped at him. "I know I'm only a caged bird with no power to change -anything-."

His arms tightened around me. "I'm sorry. Please don't be angry."

How could I be angry? I wanted him so much. To stay, to listen, to keep holding me. To show me a world I had never caught more than a glimpse of in the distance.

Suddenly he let go of me. I turned around in surprise. Surely he wasn't going to leave...?

Instead he had dropped to one knee in front of me. "This humble thief is at your service, my prince," he said. "Whatever you command."

I couldn't understand. "Why?"

He smiled. "Because you stole my heart the moment I saw you."

No, this wasn't real. It couldn't possibly be real. "You are only joking, aren't you?"

His smile turned a bit sheepish. "Maybe a little. But I'm not lying about falling for you."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "So you are still going to do exactly as you please."

"Why don't you try it out?" he asked. "Say what you want me to do."

I studied him for a brief moment. Well, it wasn't like I had anything to lose. "Kiss me."

He did. A searing kiss that set my entire body on fire. I wanted more. Much, much more. Engagements for the prosperity of the country be damned. This was -my- life. And I wanted everything Sinbad had to offer.


The feelings of guilt set in when I woke in my bed, the man I had desired so much as to forget my royal heritage snoring softly beside me. I slowly sat up and leaned my chin on my knees.

If mother was watching me from somewhere afar, she was surely ashamed of my actions. As small as it was compared to Sargon, I still had a role of my own to play as a son of the sultan. And that didn't involve falling in love with a commoner. A thief.

"Something in your mind?" Sinbad asked, rolling over to his side and watching me.

"Nothing in particular," I replied, hoping the lie sounded more convincing than it felt.

I could not stop. I just could not.

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