Chapter 1

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Minette pulls out her phone and dials Gregory's number. The line rings, and rings but there is no answer. Worry sparks in her heart, and she calls again. When he still doesn't answer after the third call, she grabs her car keys and rushes out of her house. On the way to his place, she continues to phone him.

Just then, an unknown number appears on her screen. It's 10p.m. Who is calling her now? "Minette?" A familiar voice asks into the phone.

"June?" Minette asks, confused. "Where are you calling from?" As Minette concentrates on the call, she can hear June panting. "June?" She asks again.

June sighs heavily into the phone. "I'm sorry, Minette..." She pulls up at a nearby gas station to be safe. As she turns the car off, June starts to cry. "Greg, Minette..."

Minette starts to panic. Anything concerning Gregory followed by tears is never a good thing. "What's wrong, June?" She says softly, trying to remain calm. Overreacting in these situations leads to assumptions.

"Please...hurry..." Minette manages to make out in between June's loud cries.

"To where, June?" She asks more firmly and turns the ignition. She drives out of the parking lot and stops at the nearby traffic light, indicating to the left.

"The hospital..."

Six months earlier...

"Minette Pratt?" The secretary asks loudly over the group of people. Before standing up, Minette brushes her dark hair off her shoulder. She boldly stands up and walks towards the lady. She is greeted with a soft smile. "Good evening, dear." Her tone is friendly, but stern. "Please fill in these forms, and Mr. Carter will be with you in time."

Minette just nods and walks back to her seat. It is nerve-racking to know all the people in the room are applying for a job today. Hopefully, not all the same position. Although, competition is what she needs right now. She shrugs at the thought and starts to fill in the form.

Do you own a personal vehicle? If yes, indicate the model. Yes. Red KIA Picanto. She writes confidently. She hasn't had it for longer than a month, but it already feels like her own.

Will you be available to assist at any time? Yes. She has cleared up everything just for this job. If she can't get it, then she'll be crushed.

Are you qualified to fulfill the role of the position you are applying for? She thinks a moment before answering this question. She's always cared about helping others. And apparently, this job requires exactly that. Yes.

Marital Status: In a Relationship. It's been three years now, and still Roland hasn't asked her to marry him...

Do you have children? If yes, indicate the amount in the box. No... She writes with a sad smile.

When she finishes filling in all the details, she rests her head against the wall and places the clipboard upside down in her lap. Minette has dreamed about this job for so long. And now that she has the car, she hopes to finally get the job.

"Ms. Pratt?" The lady asks again. "Mr. Carter will see you now." Minette stands up with a smile, her shoulders back. She takes the form clipped to the board with her. Before knocking, she takes one last deep breath in and slowly lets it out. With a calm attitude resting on her shoulders, she knocks.

"Please come in." His voice is loud as he talks. Minette opens the door and closes it behind her. He stands up in her presence, shakes her hand and sits down. She does the same, handing him the clipboard.

"Good evening, Ms. Pratt," He says, reading off of the form. "Minette?" He says curiously. "Is that French?"

She nods, still smiling naturally. "Yes, sir." She is thankful for the small talk. He is clearly just trying to break the bit of ice layering her nerves with every passing minute.

"Please call me Samson." His smile is heart-warming, and she relaxes. He is very young to be running this center, but Minette doesn't care. He is doing something good. "So, tell me, Ms. Pratt, what is the first thing you think off when you see Orenda?"

Minette smiles. Roland especially looked up the word for her, and now she can confidently tell him. "Well, the word itself refers to change. And I believe that when people come here to Orenda, they can change. They have the opportunity to change." Her eyes light up as she speaks. "And I would love to play a part in that change."

Mr. Carter's smile widens so that his teeth shine. "Wow. That must be the most brilliant answer I have heard all day..." He asks her a couple more questions about her experience in desk work. She confidently answers every question, admiring his passion for Orenda. Samson stands up and motions for Minette to do the same. "Ms. Pratt, the job is yours!" She returns his handshake, trying not to overreact.

"Thank you so much, sir." He nods at her and hands her a few forms to sign. When all the logistics of her job are out the way, she hurries to her car. As she climbs in, her phone coincidentally rings. It's Roland.

"I got it!" She says, squealing with excitement.

"Hold up. You mean to tell me you got the job?" He asks, yelling into her ear.

She nods vigorously as she talks to him. "Yes! I just answered a simple question. And boom!" Minette yells.

"Alright, calm down..." He jokes. "I was calling to ask if you want to grab a drink. But I guess we are doing more than that tonight. Catch you in an hours' time?"

She agrees and ends the call. Before driving off to get a quick shower, she looks up at the large colorful sign, labeled Orenda. They were right. This is a place of change and hope. Her life just changed from walking in there. And now, she can finally do something with her life. With a grin glued to her face and lots of hope for the future, Minette drives away.

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