Chapter 11

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Minette's fingers type relentlessly as she tries to catch up what she missed this week. This whole week she was busy with the group. They occupied most of her time with endless jokes and plenty of conversations. She doesn't know why, but she isn't complaining. They are nice and sweet. And she can see that they are trying to reach out. So, she'll be here for them. However, for now, she needs to catch up before they come in...

Half an hour passes, and Abby comes walking in. "Hey!" She says excitedly. Minette looks up and smiles at her. "So... something really terrific happened this weekend."

Minette lifts a brow. "Hope it's better than mine..."

Abby looks sad. "Why do you say that?" She walks around and rests against Minette's desk.

Minette sighs. This weekend was awful. Because she didn't talk things out with Roland like he wanted to, he has been avoiding and ignoring her. He's not sleeping at home... And he doesn't answer her calls.

Abby's frown deepens with sudden anger. "Where does he go?" Minette shrugs. "You don't even care?"

She shakes her head. "I trust him, Abby. I doubt he's doing something stupid."

Abby seems impressed by this. "Wow. You really are perfect!"

Minette rolls her eyes and stands up. "I really wish people would stop saying that..."

Abby bursts out laughing. "What? You think we're lying?"

Minette nods. "Yes. See? There is a flaw. I don't take compliments easily!" Abby just laughs. "Okay. So, how was your weekend?" She asks Abby, walking to hang up the clipboard.

Abby has a suspicious look on her face. "Well..." She says with a grin. "I got engaged!" She exclaims suddenly. Minette's eyes widen with surprise and she spins around to look at Abby. Abby's hand is up, and the ring shines in the light. "Please say something?" Abby says nervously.

Minette squeals and runs to embrace Abby. "Congrats!" She yells into her ear accidentally.

"Thanks." Minette lets go and notices a different smile on Abby's face that wasn't there before. "It feels so unrealistic, you know?" Minette nods. "Well, the four of us should go grab a bite sometime." Minette agrees and greets Abby.

She walks around her desk and miserably falls into the chair. Tony and Abby haven't known each other four years. They haven't lived together, and yet, they are getting married. Minette feels jealousy rising inside of her. Why does everyone else get that happiness, but she doesn't?

"Uh, Minette?" Storm asks again, this time louder. Minette looks up, dismissing her train of thought. "Sorry to bother you..." Her voice trails off, and Minette can hear something is suspicious.

"No, please don't apologize! I was just lost in thought." She smiles at Storm. "What can I help you with?"

Storm looks around the room to see if anyone else is here. Her eyes meet Minette's again, and she bites her lip. As Minette observes Storm, she can see she's holding back tears. Minette immediately stands up and walks around. Without deciding what to do yet, Storm grabs Minette in a hug.

Minette smiles softly and rubs Storm's back. "What's the matter?" She asks kindly.

Storm looks up, tears clouding up in her eyes. "My grandmother...she's in the hospital."

Minette's heart breaks at the news. Storm's grandmother means everything to her. When she started drugs in college, her parents disowned her. They went on about how disappointed they were in her. However, her lovely grandmother took her in. And well, if Storm lost her grandma, Minette isn't sure what is going to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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