Operation Black Clover

105 2 13

A Special forces team has been Sent our to Washington DC to rescue the Scientist named Dr Vosconovovich from the white house, the scientist has been making contact with the Military for about 2 days, so they sent out The Special forces team named  Team Whiskey 6 to rescue the Scientist. It appears that the scientist is holding a valuable  Item that could help in developing the cure, Wich is a big step for them. 

For those who want to join, Make a form. Special forces only,  you can't also use the same oc since... They're at Miami. While this team is heading to Washington DC.

Rank:( must be bellow captain)
Gender: ( pls no minor age . Try 22 and above)
Position in group: ( medic,  Sniper, etc..)

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