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Princton stepped down the stairs not trying to fall.  The heels were a bright red color matching his scarf.  He smiled to his self.  He fixed the pink gloves on his hands and put on the lip stick that belonged to his mother.

He wanted to be perfect. Only the age of seven,  he was a bright little boy.  Caring and loving,  he also liked the color green.

His hair,  was in a little bun. His family,  waiting to see the little boy.  His heart, beating out of his chest. The last step,  he stepped down and he looked up at all the faces.

Everyone.  Every last person in the room had a shocked look on their faces.

He smiled and ran to his mother whose eyes blurred with tears.

He son,  her only son.  Turning out like this.  The boy looked up at his mom and frowned.

Why was she crying? He thought.

Was I the problem?


Mateo watched closely as his father beat his mother. This was the third time this week,  and the 100th time in a row. He wanted to cry,  but he knew it would only be worse for him  and his mother.  Quietly he hid in their closet.

His mom's screams were like bullets that only hit metal.

A small tear escaped his eye as he saw blood.  His mind was wild.  He didn't know what to do. 


No that's stupid.


Already doing that.


There is a little door back here...

He crawled to the little trap door and opened it.  It was a door to the kitchen.

Make a run for it.

He went through the door and ran up to his room and closed the door quietly.

This could be it. 

He grabbed a book bag and started putting his things in it


Princeton's family was shocked.  A bit that small with thoughts so big.  It made him sad to see no one smiling.  He sighed and climbed off his mom's lap.  He took off the heels and wrapped the scarf around his mouth.

He walked.

Up the stairs he went. 

Too ashamed to be who he is.

Life is just a bunch of colors that makes one shade only....

Shades // Mateo BowlesXJacob Perez(вχв)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora