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Prince pov

I walk in the gym alone cause the office needed Mateo. Everybpdy wanna kill my vibe today like damn. What the fuck i do to them?

They just a bunch of raw sausages.

I go to the locker room and see all the ugly and cute boys.

"Hey Prince." Most of them say.

"Hey Bitches." I change in a stall and take a few pictures of my fine ass.

" I change in a stall and take a few pictures of my fine ass

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I put my shorts back and put on my joggers instead.

I walk out the stall and some of the boys looked at me.

A boy named Rayan came up to me and started laughing.

"I seen you walking with the little shy bitch in the hall today Prince. Whats that all about?" I looked at this nigga and grabbed one of his braids.

"Look here Lil Bitch. I can do wjat i want and aint nobody gon stop me. Now go be jolly and climb a dick, ok? Ok." I let him go and he fell.

I put on my shirt and put my hair in a pony tail.

I walk out the locker room and looked around for Mateo.

I didnt see him, so i went and sat in the bleachers.

I wonder where he is.

Mateo pov

I walk in the principle's office and stand by the door.

" lock it." He said.

I locked the door and sat in one of the chairs.

" Mateo.... I saw you were walking with Jacob today. " he said. I could hear the anger in his voice.

"I-Im Sorry, Hes just a friend i swear--

" FUCK THAT," He yelled making me jump.


I start shaking and i held my book bag close to my body.

He looked at me with an evil smirk on his face.

"You know what happens dont you?" I nod my head and stand in front of his desk.

" Bend Over."



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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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