1- Pretty Boy

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How would you feel if you grew up without colour in your world?

With only dullness and black and white colours?

Keith Kogane, since the day he was born he was diagnosed with severe colour blindness. He couldn't see in colours, his whole world had gone dark and gloomy for him at a young age but that didnt stop him from being a happy kid.

He's older brother, Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane would try his hardest to help him through struggles and help him understand what his life looked like. It was more then a difficult task but keith thanked Shiro so much, he didnt know what he would do without him.

As Keith started high school that's when the bad bullying started, with the punch ups and cursing. Shiro would get phone calls, hearing how keith was acting up at school again, it was hard enough for the both of them that they didn't have parents either. Shiro was just old enough to take care of them both, even juggling two jobs on his shoulders so keith could get the things he needed.

Kieth started to appreciate Shiro less and less, but that didnt stop Shiro from being a good caring brother. For Keith's 18th birthday, Shiro had gotten Keith, dark blue contacts for his eyes, because Keith's eyes were naturally purple and even the doctors didn't understand why or how he had them.

They were beautiful though, even though keith couldn't see what they looked like. To him they were just a dark grey colour but the way Shiro described them to him was actually amazing and only one of the last good bonding moments they had together.

But everything good does come to an end and that's what happened to Keith, he lost his brother. It happened a week after his birthday, that's when he felt empty and dull. That's when all his shining lights had come crashing down into the ground, when he heard the news that his brothere wouldn't make it.

After that Keith went sour, and hated life even more then he already did, his brother was his light in his dark world. Keith tried so hard to get jobs and support himself but it was so hard, the constant guilt and crying that happened, he hated it. He hated himself so much. He knew his brother would want the best for him but it was so hard to just move on, he regrets all the times he was rude and awful to him.

He just wanted his brother back.

His light.

4 years later

His raven black hair gently swayed in the autumn breeze, placing his hands into his pockets of his oversized jumper with his fingerless gloves on, a shiver passed through the boy. Keith was walking at 10pm at night to go buy some 2 minute noodles to eat, he wasn't rich so he had to have cheap meals so he still could pay rent. Pulling the jumper closer around his body, thanking quietly that he had long hair to keep his neck and ears warm, looking ahead and seeing the supermarket was still open with a small warm smile on his face, jogging quickly to get there before they closed for the night.

A sigh left his lips when he got inside, feeling the warm senestion of the heaters heating him up, grabbing a basket and walking over to where the noodles normally were and grabbing a box that had 10 packets inside it, with two bottles of Diet Coke that he loved to drink.

He looked around slowly, blinking a few times before walking to the cash register. Bringing his basket up a little higher and putting it on the bench looking up to be met with grey eyes staring back at him, it didn't help that the rest of the boy looked grey as well, nearly everything did in the shop but he didn't mind that much but for some reason, just by looking at the boy, he froze slightly. Keith felt his heart racing in his chest and didnt know why, as he couldn't tear his gaze away from the boy in front of him. He looked a little older than Keith, trying to figure out what the boy looked like in colour which is something he did a lot, but he couldn't.

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