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it was supposed to be a normal night. we drink, laugh, dance, have fun, get with a guy, get laid and go home. that was the plan we all made. we had "save us" words, a group chat where we could text each other if someone gave us a weird vibe, and even made a pack that no one was to go anywhere with anyone without their "bar buddy". they were prepared for any situation, but not this one.

her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in a curly fashion and her makeup was did all fancy. her black, skin-tight dress came down above the knee and her black heels matched perfectly. her long, mocha colored legs crossed each other while her "bar buddy" chatted up a guy two chairs away. she sipped her drink and looked at the ring on her finger. she sighed, rolling her eyes, sipping the bitter wine.

she was supposed to be married in four days, and to put it lightly, she isn't thrilled. she's dreading it. the guy is an asshole to put it nicely. he probably doesn't even know what her eye color is. he just wants to fuck her and show her off.

her family thinks they're madly in love, hence the planned marriage. he acts like he loves her in front of the family but alone? she doesn't exist to him. she's just a sex toy to him. not even worth a second glance.

he was in the middle of the dance floor, grinding on some hoe that he would hit it and quit it, leaving her a crying mess, while she was sitting here drinking.

her family managed to get a part in Coca-Cola's business and quickly became one of the richest families alive. they're actually planning to claim Coca-Cola to themselves, but she doubts it. her three sisters, five brothers, thirteen aunts and uncles (half don't even like each other), 28 cousins, and many more, shared the profit. which wasn't a problem for them, since Coca-Cola is a billion dollar company and it was still growing... rapidly.

Sam's family sucked up to her parents to get money, and then forced their son onto her. she continuously said no, that she wants to find love herself. her parents told her she'd marry this man, whether she liked it or not. she still is giving them the cold shoulder and that discussion was almost a year ago.

her fingers fiddled with the ring on her finger, which was pure diamond, almost 19 carrots. she didn't even want to marry anyone for a while. but she was being forced and she can't leave.

she felt warmth next to her, and it wasn't comforting. she turned her head, seeing a 30 or so year old man, looking her up and down. he was clearly drunk but that didn't stop him from being creepy. he placed a hand on her thigh and massaged the inner part.

"hey beautiful. you look hella sexy tonight, wanna go on the dance floor?" she smacked his hand away and shook her head. this guy didn't even deserve words, why can't men realize not every woman wants to fuck them?

"your family owns Coca-Cola right? damn, now i can't take no for an answer." he put his hand back and moved it up slightly.

she smiled, chuckled, and slapped him. she absolutely hated when people reference her to her family. she didn't like that. more like despised it.

he stumbled back but then returned to the conversation like nothing ever happened. he kept talking and it made her sick.

"babe, i finally found you!" an unfamiliar voice shouted over the blaring music. a man in his 20's came up and wrapped an arm around her waist. he looked at the man's hand and shoved it off of her. he looked surprised and so was she.

this man was different. he was warm and comfortable. his brown hair was messy by perfect. he wore a suit and it looked very expensive. she never seen Sam wear anything like that.

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