Chloe's Father

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The group started out towards the Redwoods where they would set up camp. Luke, Sara, James, Chloe and Amy were heading there to camp for the weekend. It is Sara's idea for this camp to make their friendship grow even more.The group stops outside the entrance into the Redwoods.They now have three hours to walk to the campsite to set up the tents for the night.

The group starts to get comfortable in their tents and slowly drift off to sleep. Whack! Sara jolts up in her sleep wondering what has woken her. She hears the whacking noise getting closer every time. Slowly she reaches for the tent zip and pulls it down to see what it is.

"Who's there?" Sara whispers. She climbs out of the tent not knowing there is a man standing directly behind her. Sara waits for a second, before trying to turn around as a hand clamps tightly around her mouth. Feeling a painful sting in her neck, she feels a warm and sticky substance running down her front. Trying to touch her neck, she realizes she has no strength. In shock, she realises her throat has been cut open with a knife.

She tries to get up, but the attacker knocks Sara down and starts to drag her by the feet. She is struggling to scream as the gushing blood gurgles down her throat. She feels this is the end for her as she closes her eyes and waits while listening to her last breaths before losing consciousness.

The group are alarmed as they see Sara's tent has been splattered with blood. They all make the decision to go out looking for Sara in the hope they will find her but they make sure Amy and James stay behind to look after their stuff.

"SARA! Where are you?" Chloe and Luke shout as they start jogging through the forest. Chloe looks down at her shaking hands knowing she is nervously worried about poor little Sara. She is the smallest of the group.

Crunch! Chloe turns around and sees a figure crouching on the ground, holding a gun like an object.

"LUKE! Duck!" Chloe shouts as she tackles Luke to the ground, hoping she has saved him in time.

Chloe rolls Luke over only to discover there is a dark red patch growing by the minute on his chest.

"NO!" Chloe shouts and screams in fear as she sees the life fade from Luke's eyes. She is filled with hate and anger, as she realises the person could still be here.

"Where are you monster? Come at me! "Chloe puts her hand over Luke's eyes and closes his eyelids.

Standing up, she starts racing back to Amy and James hoping they are still alive before she gets there.

"Amy!, James! Where are you? Chloe shouts.

"We are here," Amy replies.

James is on the ground clutching his ankle as it starts to swell.

"What happened?" Chloe asks.

"We saw a shadow. Well, at first we thought it was you and Luke, but a dark shape came charging up to us with a bat. It swung the bat straight into James's ankle and ran off.

"Chloe where is Luke?" Amy asks.

Chloe stiffens as she has to face the truth. She starts crying and tells both of them what happened. When she looks up to Amy and James are in shock and cannot believe this could have happened.

"Do you think Sara is dead?" James said,

"I don't know," Chloe said at the same time as Amy.

"What are we going to do?" Amy said.

"We are going to try to get back to the truck at the entrance of the forest," Chloe said.

"Lucky for us, we covered up the truck with shelter," James said.

The three of them start heading for the truck but they were slowed down by James as his ankle really hurts. They are nearly at the truck but Chloe has stopped them.

Twenty metres away from them stood Chloe's' father who was holding a hunting knife.

Chloe's dad leans down towards their truck and slashes their tyres. His eyes seem demonic, they look right through her. Chloe steps back in shock not knowing what to do. What could she do?

Suddenly her father is running towards them at full speed. The three of them try to get away but he catches up and reaches for James first. He grabs him by the collar and holds his blade just under his neck.

"Don't do this!" Chloe screams in horror as her dad slashes James' neck.

"You monster!" Amy screams, running towards James lifeless body in shock.

Chloe's father lunges for Amy and stabs her with his hunting knife in her vital organs.

Amy drops to the ground, writhing in pain as her life drains out of her, slowly and painfully.

Chloe stares, this can't be happening."Go on!" Chloe shouts, "You can kill me, you have already ruined all my friend's lives." He steps towards her and lifts the blade until it's just under her chin.

Chloe could feel the warm sticky blood on the blade drip down her neck.

She wasn't ready to die yet. She has to at least try to get away.Her father comes up to her and says, "Are you ready to feel excruciating pain?"Chloe panics and tries to run but she feels a sharp pain in her right leg. She looks down in horror and tumbles down as her father slices the blade through her flesh and cracks the bone in her leg.

A startling scream pierces Chloe's throat. She struggles to move away from her father as he edges closer to her. Chloe feels more relaxed and her vision is slowly blurring more than before. She looks down at the gushing blood pouring out of the wound. Maybe she has lost too much blood. This is the end, Chloe thinks. There's no way out for her to survive.

She waits for her father and bows her head to him as he lifts his blade and stabs straight through Chloe's throat. Her father tilts her chin up to face him with the tip of his knife, a manic grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Why?" Chloe chokes, a single tear treks down her blood stained cheeks as she dizzily falls to the ground, a single blade, rupturing her skull. 

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